
Does anyone else have this problem that might can help me???

by  |  earlier

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I have had migraines since I was in the first grade I am now i college. I had a cat scan when i was in the third grade. Tension headaches are normal for me and migraines come and go but with the past 6 months my head has started hurting more and in a strange space. My head hurts really bad on top kinda toward the back, about where the parietal lobe would be located. It hurts so bad I can't think straight and I feel really sick. If I apply pressure it lightens the headache and ice helps too. This is strange to me because when I get migraines it hurts every where and light makes it hurt worse. It has started hurting almost everyday for at least 30 minutes. Does anyone know what might would help or what is causing this???




  1. you probably have a blood clot somewhere in your brain. might want to look in to that. you could have a stroke if its not treated.

  2. It is time for you to be reevaluated. See a neurologist for testing.

  3. definitely keep the other answers above mine and keep your doctor's opinion over what i'll say, but i've been having migraines for a bit over 5 years and my mum's had them pretty much her whole life so she knows a lot about them, and i know that sometimes migraines can change the position they're in... like, you might still be having migraines, you just get them differently now...

    but no matter what answer you get here, definitely get another check-up... it definitely sounds like it has the potential to be something pretty dangerous, and you said it's been a while since your last cat scan...

    also, if all they turn out to be is just tension headaches or migraines, you might just be going through a bit of a phase where you get them a lot... sometimes i'll go for about a fortnight where i'll get a migraine, and the tension left in my head from that migraine will trigger another migraine, and i'll end up having a whole string of them with one caused by the other... and that happens with my tension headaches sometimes, too... maybe that's what's happening with you... ?

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