
Does anyone else have this?

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I keep getting cists on my ears. They feel like hard knots or lumps that appear out of nowhere and they are very painful. I know this question is kind of gross but does anyone else get these? What are they and what causes them?




  1. Sometimes I get a hard ball behind my ears where the skin attaches to the head. I think they are clogged pores (pimples), so I put hydro cortisone or triple antibiotic ointment on it and it finally goes away. You're right, it is painful and mystifying. Try it, it works for me.

  2. No, you are not alone with this painful and annoying condition. As I have a compromised immune system due to severe Celiac Disease, this is one of the many infections I also get. Are your ears pierced? Mine are called keloids, and are hard lumps that hurt like h**l everywhere I have ever had a piercing, most especially painful in the cartilage. I had an eyebrow piercing I regret ever getting now also, as it has a keloid. If this is what you have, you may try buying some emu oil. Call around to different pharmacies, as it can be hard to find. Massage the bumps with the emu oil and they should eventually go away. Make sure you never put a dirty phone receiver right up against your ear, make sure your pillowcase is always clean ( I find that satin pillowcases are great when it hurts to sleep on your side) and always wash your hands before touching your ears. Do NOT pop them, as much as I know you want to, as it only makes them larger and can lead to staff infections. And obviously, keep your ears clean with soap and water daily.

       If they persist, they sometimes need to be removed by a dermatologist. They could also be a lymph node infection if they are behind your ear. This sounds groos, but if they get green puss in them, see your doctor right away to avoid serious infection from entering your blood stream.

          Hope I helped. Good luck.

  3. Well I'm going to bet you anything that you have PIERCED EARS dont you?

    That is why you get the cysts.  There is nothing you can do about them.  Just leave them alone.

    Try to wear only gold or silver as really cheap earrings can royally infect your ears and make them worse.

    I think little fistulas form from the hole in your ear and create the little cysts.  I'm not really sure but it's common to get them after ear piercings FOR SURE.

    What I suggest is to use rubbing alcohol every few days and really clean behind your ears and your lobes and don't play or touch your ear lobes.  It should get better doing this and wearing good earrings.

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