
Does anyone else in here...?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone else in here absolutely positively HATE fur? I think it is the SADDEST thing ever! I can't get over it. And if anyone in here likes fur then watch a video on how they make it. I guarantee you won't like it anymore. I just feel like there is so many people out there that are totally for wearing fur. I feel alone... HELP!!!




  1. dont wear fur then.  

    its really not as popular as it once was.

    there are tons of groups you can join - google animal rights or no fur

  2. I like wearing fur and that doesn't make me heartless either I wear fake fur that isn't used from real animals skin

  3. I wear deerskin gloves with rabbit fur.  Very warm and comfortable.  I also have 4 leather jackets, they are also very warm and comfortable.

    I have no problem with someone who does not want to wear fur.  Just don't push your agenda on those who like to and choose to wear fur.


    Wearing real fur is disgusting and cruel.

    IT'S SO MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Why would you let an animal have it's skin peeled off and cleaned in a very wrong and disgusting way so you can WEAR IT!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    People who do that are HEARTLESS AND SELFISH.

  5. i think it sad too =/

  6. Yeah- I agree. Would you want someone wearing your skin....EW!!

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