
Does anyone else keep a log of their answers?

by  |  earlier

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Here in the LGBT section, since people insist on asking the same questions over and over again, like, "Is being g*y a choice?" "What causes someone to be g*y?" "Is homosexuality a mental disorder?", then does anyone like keep a log so they can go back into it and answer with the same answer?

Like, I have a nice, neat file on my computer's desktop. In it, I have yahoo answers responses for questions that are asked over and over again. So if I see the question, I just go into the file, and copy and paste it from the file into the answer box.

Does anyone else do this?




  1. haha thats not a bad idea

  2. aww no i don't but that is so cute :-) that made me smile  

  3. When I found myself having to go back to get my answer to similar questions since that was quicker than looking up the sources again, I just copied it into a text document since that was even quicker than finding the old question. The reason I still answer the repetitive questions is so someone won't think that the answers of homophobes and trolls are what the majority thinks.

  4. Uhm no. That sounds complicated

  5. Let me check... Yes, for the question "Does anyone else keep a log of their answers?" my answer is always NO.

  6. no -- i just do not answer repeated questions!!!  

  7. nope.  good idea, though!

  8. I generally don't answer those types of questions, but that's a good idea.  Very organized of you!!

  9. I don't do that, but it is annoying when 50 billion people ask if being g*y is a choice... I don't log it, but do notice it.

    It also annoys me when someone asks, is he/she/my friend g*y/hitting-on-me. First of all it could be a trick, they could be playing (just the way they play/act), or he might be g*y. We can't tell since we don't know the asker or the person doing the actions.

  10. i am just learning how to copy and paste, sounds like a good idea to me ;-)

  11. Nah...I prefer to answer the non-repetative questions.  You forgot to include.."Can a woman be stonger than a man"?  

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