
Does anyone else know their neighbours schedule and avoid them?

by Guest10744  |  earlier

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I live in an apt building, with nosey nosey neighbours. I know between 3pm and 7:45 pm they are around.

I leave for work anyway at 9 am so i avoid them and i come home around 8pm everyday, even if i get out early ill go have coffee just to come at 8pm to avoid them..

I have not seen any of them for 1 year so i guess im successful at it.

Anyone else do this?




  1. no

  2. No. They can be helpful in case of emergency.

  3. by no choice of mine right now i live in a trailor court.  there are druggies and all kinds of children that are taught nothing in the way of manners.  i live across from my ex hubbys aunt whom i have a great relationship with and between her house and mine we are the quiet ones with respect for our neighbors.  too bad the others dont see this as well.  fighting, cussing, their children walking into your house unannounced or given permission.  its awful.  but our move is impending, thank god.  i cant stand the whole bunch.  and it got worse when my hubby tried to be on speaking terms with the jerks.  they want money for this and money for that.  well my hubby is trying for his disability and i work my butt off for us, so go get your own drug money, im not helping.

  4. What neighbors? I live in the boonies. No neighbors no worries no problems!!!

  5. No that sounds so stressful. If it was like that for me, I'd use those extra hours out avoiding them, for working a second job so I can save up to move!

  6. Yes, I do the same too. Have not seen or talked to them for 15 yrs.

  7. No.  If this were me, I'd just come home, go in the house and stay there.

  8. LOL yes - when i lived in my old apartment we had a nasty neighbor that we avoided for over a year....

  9. Nope...I just either quick talk them or talk and keep walking. THat way don't have a chance to talk to me!

  10. Yeah...actually it's the apartment manager I avoid.  He's been great with me----never made any demands I just feel awkard!!!  I'd prefer NOT to see him.  When I can drive around if I see his car there I deliberately take a drive & by the time I get home he's gone.  I'm lucky now I have neighbors who aren't bad.  I used to have neighbors who would sit outside on the front steps so you'd have to run the gauntlet.  Now pretty much everyone stays inside their own apt.

  11. I know when my neighbour goes for a wee because I can hear her. I know when she goes for number two's because I can smell her.... I can sense other activities too but I cannot mention them now... I am your next door neighbour!  xx

  12. No.  That's your home.  That's wack... that you can't just relax when you get home, you have to tip toe around rude neighbors...

  13. There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you are doing.  It actually is doing two things for you ~

    1.  You are feeling better are about the situation, safer and not "spy-ed" on and enjoying your time at home more.

    2.  Leaving hom "early" is allowing you to enjoy a nice cup of hot coffee and start your day early so when you get to work you are already "perky" and more alert and ready to go.

    You are doing what makes you happy and as individuals we are responsible for making ourselves happy.  You have taken steps to do just that.  My hat is off to you!!!

    Peace & Love :)

  14. Gosh, I hate to admit it but I too have a neighbor I constantly avoid.  She is one of those people who just talks forever, can't take no for an answer, and constantly says negative things about others in our neighborhood.  I've tried multiple times to talk to her about this but she just doesn't get it.  I find it easier just to avoid her all together.  That's sad I know.

  15. YEP! Landlord works at 3 and I try to stay inside until then. After then, I go out and go swimming. LMAO. Ah ha I guess we all do this... its' best to avoid them or you'll end up hating them!

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