
Does anyone else live like this?

by  |  earlier

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My kid sister lives with my husband and I. She is 15 and doesn't have too many responsibilities in the house. We grew up with "your room is your responsibility/ business". The catch was if you didn't have a clean room you couldn't do things, have friends over, etc. My sister has about piles of clothes on her floor that go halfway up the wall on three sides of her room. Everywhere you turn there is something out of place. She has papers everywhere, random boxes and decorations piled from when she first moved in, and barely a path to her bed. I told her she has to clean it, but does anyone else have members of their family that live like this? She also has about 12x12 foot area in the basement where she has tons of stuff. I just don't understand how she can be so messy so soon. We just cleaned it not a 2 months ago. Any ideas for storage solutions for bath and body stuff... I swear she has the whole store.




  1. i don't know any teens that have clean rooms

  2. lol! Sounds like ur typical teen...

  3. My daughters room look like that, I've given up, I finally admitted she won the war, I was sick are arguing with her about it.

  4. I don't know I think both of you should have a garage sale and sell some stuff she doesn't need anymore....and then buy her some plastic storage bins that they sell at the dollar store and stuff and put things in there and stack them up. Some kids are dirty some are just need to crack the wip and say hey you need to clean this NOW...I will help you this one, last time but you better keep it clean or else no phone or tv....she should keep it clean for her for her friends if they come over ....and just for her health.

  5. Well i being a teenager myself am also rather lazy and have a messy room but the key thing i do to keep it under control is throw out anything i have no purpose for. i havnt ended up needing any of those things. and for the bath and body stuff perhaps u can try under the bed there is always room under the bed.

  6. You MUST report her to the authorities before it is too late.

  7. tell her to shape up or ship out, you are not running a hotel for slobs

  8. guilty.

  9. Get some plastic clothes boxes and label them to stack in closets.  Help her put papers in folders according to subjects.  Use baskets to arrange bath and body stuff.  We have all been there. Don't give up and don't get lost in the stuff.

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