My kid sister lives with my husband and I. She is 15 and doesn't have too many responsibilities in the house. We grew up with "your room is your responsibility/ business". The catch was if you didn't have a clean room you couldn't do things, have friends over, etc. My sister has about piles of clothes on her floor that go halfway up the wall on three sides of her room. Everywhere you turn there is something out of place. She has papers everywhere, random boxes and decorations piled from when she first moved in, and barely a path to her bed. I told her she has to clean it, but does anyone else have members of their family that live like this? She also has about 12x12 foot area in the basement where she has tons of stuff. I just don't understand how she can be so messy so soon. We just cleaned it not a 2 months ago. Any ideas for storage solutions for bath and body stuff... I swear she has the whole store.