
Does anyone else love Bats or am I just weird?

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I love watching them at twighlight fluttering all over the place.Thinking of getting a Bat box for them to roost in




  1. I love bats, unfortunately we live on the edge of a city and don't see them very often. Good luck with the bat box, I really envy you if you can attract some.

  2. Not weird at all. I love 'em too. I would be wary though as I'm sure you're aware they are carriers of Rabies. Don't get scratched-or if you do get a vaccination straight away.

  3. I love them they are just so cute.

  4. i like the lesser horseshoe, but i'm not too keen on the pipistrelle bats.  they hang round street corners drinking cider looking menacing untill bill oddie comes along with a film crew. then once hes gone  its "ere lads lets go hang outside the g*y bar and pick a fight with the fruit bats"  oh they're a nasty bunch pipistrelles.

  5. Gorgeous little things. I was surprised to learn that some bats, if you stroke them they purr.

  6. I love bats too. Ever since I found an injured one in junior school, and got told off for sitting in the doorway with it laid in my lap. My sister said only I could have wanted to keep it for a pet..

  7. my daughter loves them so no your are not alone

  8. I love them too, i can hear and see them hunting for insects around the lights outside my house at night, luvly little things!

  9. None where I live now  but used to watch them in the evenings, diving and catching insects.  They were fascinating creatures.   Absolutely harmless.  Why people are frightened of them I don't know.   Must be all the vampire films and Dracula.

  10. Bats give me the creeps.....big time! But you liking them doesn't make you weird, its personal taste.

  11. I like them really much ! _

  12. I've heard they're a man's best friend.  A woman's is her rampant rabbit, of course.

  13. Just wierd ;-)

  14. I think bats are fascinating!  I get them in my yard regularly and watch them often.  I also work as a wildlife biologist and run the bat program at my work and often do bat surveys and attend bat workshops and bat conferences.

  15. you can make a bat box i saw one sitting on the side of the house and i promised them i would make them a a nesting box and then i did i think its cool when i night fish and they go after my lure when i cast at first it scared me but they probably think its a flying moth or something

  16. i think they cool. weird? nahhhhh

    people often fear things that they dont see often... they do look scary...  in my country we used to catch them and make them smoke cigarrets .. pretty fun

  17. that would  be cool..

    i like bats too.. :)

    i use to work at a college here and bats would get into the one building.. so i'd find a box and catch them and take them outside to release them.. all my co workers thought i was a freak

  18. Nah you're not weird, they're cool animals. I think a lot of people are just scared of them because of the stigma they carry.

    They'll get stuck in your hair! They suck blood! etc

    I have a path lined with trees on my property, there's always bats flying around at night. Can hear them squeeking and flying around. If I'm out there with a flashlight and shine it into the trees they'll often get mad and make squeeks, then rustle around in the trees finding a spot away of the light.

    I like having them around. They take care a lot of pests.

  19. groovy

    but you soiund a little batty

  20. Here in Orange County, California there is a woman who is in high demand doing programs at local nature centers and wildlands.  I work at a small nature center, and one of my coworkers steps up periodically and does shorter, more informal programs on the local bats.  Interest here has grown as development here has depleted bat habitat and numbers of some species have declined.

    I myself used to hate bats and be scared of them but now I love to see them swooping overhead when I'm camping.  I'm going backpacking this week, and near sunset will be gazing up to see if there's any good bat activity each night.

    One bat box may not do it, but check the literature carefully do make sure you have a good location and recommended height.  If you do -- go for it!  You'd get to harvest and use the guano, too!

    You're probably familiar with the site below, but if you haven't checked them out lately, give them a look.

  21. Some people will eat anything FL.

  22. yup votes r tallied u weird lol

  23. No, you're just batty.

  24. OMG - bats! I have a batphobia (whatever that's called) ever since one brushed my hair one year, in Spain.

    I can't even look at one on a nature prog on TV.

    Son son teases me by calling me urgently into the room to look at 'something interesting'on TV, if they're ever featured!

    They have evil faces. Uurrgghh.

  25. bats are great little mammals, and they ate loads of bugs whats good we use to have bats at our old house they are lovely like mice with wings lol

  26. I know a lot of people that love bats, in fact it's what they have devoted their lives to in school (a few of my former professors were experts in various bat species).

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