
Does anyone else miss Barbaro? I cried when he died. And I didn't even know him!?

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He was a beautiful horse.




  1. Horses are great animals.

    I don't know "Barbaro" but I do think it's sad when horses die.

  2. I still miss him, and every time I see a horse race I remember him.  Never be another horse quite like him.

  3. It made me very sad that they had to euthanize him. He was a beautiful horse. I thought he was going to be okay after they did the surgery.

  4. i'm in love with my horse...and he don't darn love me...wait....i hear a country song there....

  5. I have shed many tears over our wonderful 4 legged heroes, they put there lives on the line for our pleasure of watching them run, and when we lose one it is very difficult for many people to accept the loss, I also cried the day Barbaro was hurt and also the day he passed away, but he is in good compny with some great champions that went before him the great Ruffian and the unforgetable Go for Wand both heart breaking breakdowns that breaks our hearts and for me that tender spot will remain in my heart for them forever, they are all very sadly missed even months and years later, I know a lot of people do not understand the connection with man/woman  horse and why wwe feel so deeply over our loss, and that is OK if you truely don't understand but please respect our feeling because we do care and have deep feeling for these wonderful animals.

  6. F#%K U TONY D!!!

    Sorry windy_city_bear.....what a jerk. Yes, i miss Barbaro too.

    Don't mention it w_c_b. Are you watching the Ruffian movie? Not bad for a made-for-TV.

    Cool. Enjoy.

  7. Barbaro was my favorite horse and I will never forget him.  He was very brave to undergo all those surgeries.  Yes, he was a very beautiful horse.

  8. no i have more important things to worry about than one horse in the world

  9. yes it was a great horse

  10. I miss Barbaro too!! Even though i never met him i still cry like he was my horse. He touched our hearts in a way that can never be explained. He is a true champion. I still cry whenever i see a video or a movie about him or even when I read something about him! He was my hero! Even though I understand that it was the right decision to put him down I still wish that he was alive and well. He will remain in my heart for ever. May he rest in peace.


  12. I thought it very sad.I love horses.But it is a terrible thing that our people are dying in Irag where we should never have been in the first place.It's really a shame that all of their sacrifice is most likely in vain.I don't think there will ever be peace there.

  13. i love animals and i also cry when some of them died.

  14. I have to agree he was a beautiful horse. I cried and cried when he was put down. He had so much grace and determination. He was really tough to get through the pain.

    It was for the better and I know it was tough but I thought he will have fun in heaven and with his girlfriends up there!!! I just know it!!!

    RIP Barbaro!! I miss ya Big Guy.

  15. yes, infact i was bawling the other night about him. i have his breyer horse and articles about him. but the thing i have most of him, is how much love i had for him.

    he was a horse in a life time. i loved him so much!

    but then, we must think. if Barbaro went on to win the Triple Crown, do you think his story would've turned out to be wut it had been? i think that what Barbaro went through was ment to happen. how much America came together to love such a wonderful horse.

    think about it...

    but i do miss him so dearly, and love him soo much still.

    here is a very good video of him on youtube, i think you would like to watch it....

    i cried when i watched it last night and this morning

    so i keep in a good word for Barbaro even though he's gone, and it looks like you do too and thats a good thing to hear


    RIP Barbaro

  16. While Barbaro was putting up his courageous fight, I had total knee replacement surgery.  It was not a straight forward surgery and also required ligament adjustment and screws.  Seeing Barbaro on TV and thinking about his heroic struggles gave me inspiration and courage..

    He gave it his all and I felt terrible when it became apparent that he was not going to make it.  

    Now, I have to get the other knee done.  I will keep my memory of him and draw strength from it.

    Thanks Barbaro!!.

  17. Bar-ba-who-do?

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