
Does anyone else miss being pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I had my baby 2 weeks ago and hes my 3rd. With the others i was so relieved about not being pregnant again, but this time round i just wanted to scoop him up and put him back in my tummy where he would be safe, warm and fed. I hated being pregnant towards the end because i was overdue, but as soon as he was born i felt redundant and really sad, as i missed my bump and feeling him move! I enjoyed the labour which i had without pain relief in my own home and the whole experience was magical which maybe why i miss it all so much, it feels as though now im expected to "get on with it!" To top it all hes such a good baby that he makes me soooo broody to have another! Has anyone else ever felt the same way?




  1. no...not at all.  i had twins & was sick throughout the pregnancy...i fainted alot was a miserable time for me.  you it seems, are one of the lucky ones!  congrats on baby though!

  2. yes i missed my bump even now 3 years on i still miss my bump!  

  3. I hate being pregnant.

  4. God no i hated it, well the start was ok but the last couple of months were bloody miserable lol

  5. Yup! If I could be pregnant 365 days a year I would!! All I would exclude would be morning sickness, having to pee, my back hurting, contractions, BIRTH, etc.. I loved being pregnant. I used to be the princess up on the pedestal, but now I'm being used as the carpet to get to the baby. =[ LOL

    It's okay. I think I will get over it.=]

  6. yes i will be pleaseant if i'm a girl and i can be pregnant but i'm a boy

       hoiwever i can say that being pregnant may be good just for girls..........

  7. i only miss all the attention i got, n all the red carpets.. god i got so much attention that my sis (hus a yr younger then me) was considering gettin preg for the attention haha!

    im a single mum, n even after sayin that the pain was horrendous n that i'll never go through it again.. im seriously considering goin through it again!

  8. Not Me & congratulations.

  9. meee . i do! was thinking it today aswell. i loved my pregnancy all the way though. cant wait until the

  10. YES !!

    I had a baby 2 1/2 years ago, a little girl.

    I want another one, I enjoyed being pregnant but my health (because of my first pregnancy) stops me having another and being pregnant again.  I sooo want another baby but am unable to have one.

    Please feel thankful that you are on your third and still have your health.  

    You are not redundant, your new babies life has just begun and its your job now to help him and make him happy.  As with your other children, why do you feel redundant.  I know they can run rings around you and make you feel disrespected but you must also feel the love of being a Mother.

    I respect your question but you are sooo lucky.  Dont feel down or just feel that you need to be pregnant to get respect.

    Enjoy your son !!


  11. Yes, my son is 21 months old now and I miss being pregnant, I miss all my son's little kicks and wriggles and hiccups!  We're trying for another, but not having much luck and it scares me to think I won't be able to experience pregnancy again . . .

  12. oh yeah i loved being pregnant

  13. I didn't miss being pregnant when I had my son but I felt empty inside for a while because I didn't get the babymoon I had my heart set on.

    Maybe sit down and have a glass of wine to remind you of the good things about being not pregnant :)

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