
Does anyone else mother rag them about grand kids?

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I am 31 years old, I just got married last year...... We are in the middle of settling on a foreclosed home that needs a ton of work but it's a better area for us and a large piece of land. So our closing got pushed back to Sept 24th because the title was messed up so that's stressful. Our house were are currently in now is completely torn up because we are putting new carpet in, new drywall and new tiles in the house to sell it. I currently work full time and go to night school full time for my master. We figured if all goes well that well try for a baby in other year after I am done my classes. Well, with all the house problems- my education is getting pushed out because I can't handle 3 classes.... 1 or 2 is more like it.

My mother has been on my back about a grand baby and when I mention it might have to wait another year..... she starts freaken out. Now she is bit*Chin about how I should just get pregnant and go to school...... and complaining about how everyone else is a grand mom. My adult brother and sister both live at home and are both single. So she just harps on me about it. She is making me not want to have a kid. I don't know what to say to her because she doesn't think a master degree is important..... she doesn't think the house has to be finished. She also thinks she is going to watch the baby full time at her house- and she lives an hour from me- and I get placed for student teaching which will most likely be in the opposite direction of her. She keeps yelling at my to apply to the school by her but my college doesn't accept just any school. I might just kill her.

How would you explain to a mad woman that your not ready to start popping out the babies just yet?




  1. Some moms are like this.  Just tell her that you are an adult and you will decide when you are ready for children, and in the meantime, you don't want to hear any more about it.  

  2. Tell her that you understand she's ready for grand kids, but you aren't ready yet to have them.  Say that it really bothers you that she keeps bringing it up and promise her that she'll be the second to know (after your husband) when you are expecting.  Then ask her if she would be willing not to ask again for six months (even write down the date) and repeat the process in six more months.

    If she mentions it again, just say the date "February 12!" until she gets the hint.

  3. I think she feels old age upon her and has the desire to see her lineage continue.

    Just tell her she should be happy that you actually plan on having a baby!

  4. omg my mom thinks that I should want to have children at the age of 14. Whats up with that.

  5. My mom started asking when I was going to have kids when I was about 20 and had just got engaged, I'm now 25 and 19 weeks pregnant, I didn't get a break from her asking about me having kids till I told her I was pregnant. At one point she even started asking my brother when he was going to have kids (he has a girlfriend, but they aren't engaged yet) and then went on to say there was no hope for me. After getting pregnant and telling her about our plans to buy a house sometime in the next year she recently told me she was looking at some two family houses in the area we were looking in, I'm sure you can guess where this is going. I just started ignoring all the comments which started to hurt after awhile even more since I had tried for a year and a half to get pregnant which of course I never told her about because I didn't want her asking even more often if I was pregnant yet. Sometimes I was tempted to just tell her to have a baby herself if she wanted one so bad.

    If saying your waiting for good reasons doesn't work then I doubt anything will so just try to ignore her telling you when to get pregnant if you can.  

  6. gosh, it sounds like she wants you to have a baby for her! She wants to babysit it all the time and she lives an hour away?! Well first of all, tell her that if you were to have a baby, your not going to move schools and that if she really wanted to see the baby, SHE could move instead. Also tell her that your not ready to have a baby and that it's your life. Also tell her if she cared about you she would stop hassling. Hope I Could Help! : )

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