
Does anyone else need to count to 10 slowly everytime they are patronised by the spell check?

by  |  earlier

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I hate the spell check bubble with it's sarcastic little 'Ooops, it looks like you have 1 misspelling(s)' or when it says you have used too much punctuation? I need to know I am not losing my mind and this is the most irritating thing I can think of right now! Most of the time nothing is spelt incorrectly! Aarrggh! (and no, it doesn't like my unidentified outburst!)




  1. I hate it too.  I used the word eBay recently, and it asked me if I left the Caps Lock on because I capitalized the "B" in eBay.  I don't think we're nearly as stupid as Yahoo! Answers thinks we are!

  2. haha yeah its pretty annoying!>>> GRR its right there!! STOP!!

    i DONT have 2 misspellings!...or....3

  3. I don't even look at it. It shows the current word being typed as being misspelled until it's finished, if you're typing slow.

  4. YES! Its soooo annoying.

  5. i like two dilibrtly disregard It anD spll the way i wnat too enywaye

  6. Lol...YES! It drives me mad with it's little asides..."Hmm you seem to have left caps lock on"   WAAAAAHHH!

  7. I do.

    And the bl**dy thing doesn't even work.

  8. Your physco!

  9. It drives me mad! That and 'your question needs to be 20 letters long'

    when I can't think of aanything else to put!

  10. yeah,.. its annoying

  11. nooooooooo

  12. I barely even notice the spellchecker, and really don't care!

    It's just a typo.. :)

  13. Yes I hate that damned thing! I'm like, Oh shuddup!

    There has to be a way to disable the damned spell checker!

  14. omg yes! just because im not actually looking at what im typing, or im chatting on msn whilst typing, or typing in the dark or am just generally dyslexic dosent mean yahoo needs to throw it in my face!

    oh i have 6 mystakkkkkess apparently

    make that 7


  15. Spell check never bothers me because I HAVE TURNED IT OFF.  You can do that, too.

  16. YA

  17. yes its a bit sarkie isnt it and in your face that you cant spell words right but who cares i have a 'Oops! it looks like you have 4 misspeling(s)'

    really get a life spell check!

  18. I ignore it completely as it uses an American dictionary & everyone knows that they can't spell.

  19. Lol I hate that too! It always tells me that I have something misspelled, but it only does it when I'm not even finished typing the friggin word! Urgh..

  20. I totally ignore it.  It isnt even worth the time of a thought!

    And I will spell things howsoever I wish thank you little icon!!

  21. Truthfully, it doesn't bother me at all, mostly because I know that I'm smarter than the thing. I know how to spell and how to punctuate, so why am I going to be bothered by a program? It's really not worth it to me. Then again, I do have a habit of patronizing other people about misspellings and misplaced punctuation. Maybe that's why I'm so smug in my ability to have near-flawless grammar...and you should be too.

  22. It is a pain in the harris.Been on the message boards to complain, Not fixed as yet.

  23. LOL! yeah totally  

  24. Yes! And the stupid little tips!

    "you seem to have left caps lock on"



  25. Life is too short to waste trying to decipher an answer with terrible spelling errors.

    I wish more people would use and learn from Spell Check.

    I do admit the 'Ooops' is dumb and offensive.

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