
Does anyone else not socialize with their family ever because of their beliefs?

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My family is mormon and I am an atheist / semi agnostic. We have nothing to talk about, nearly EVERYTHING I do is against the mormon code, everything Im into is against their religion, if I stay at their house for over a week, I am forced to go to church with them, it's just not a pleasant experience to visit my family. They're nice enough, they kind of treat me like c**p sometimes, but im not the perfect son. They treat my mormon following bro's like gold, which makes sense but still pisses me off.

Am I just being a S0B, what should I do to actually WANT to have something to do with them?




  1. You know the saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"?

    My family isn't Mormon and I am. I just go to my own church and they don't have a problem with it.

    Perhaps if you find another church you can go to, like maybe Unitarian or something like that, they wouldn't be so hard on you. And, of course, you have to pretend to not do what they don't like while you live with them.  

  2. when I was an atheist I insisted that I do not go to church when I visited my parents, (I think they were trying to convince everyone else I was still LDS) now that I am saved, I still don;t go to their church because of the freemasondry and the paganism (I am also ex-wiccan) in their religion, and if they come to visit me, I would show them to the nearest LDS church, even though their LDS missionaries always show up at my house and our church and stand int he back, probably praying all will come ot their churhc instead.

    My parents do not talk to my atheist brother about religion, but all of my life I was the black sheep and I never did anything wrong as an LDS person. You just have to expect it, thats just how the mormon church is.

    They are your parents and you will never have another set of parents again and unfortunenetly they are mormon, so you just have to do the best you can and try to have the best relationship you can with what you got because someday they won;t be there and they will pass away like my mom just did. I mean you will never have another set of parents again and they have not shunned you like some mormon parents do and are probably tryign toh ave a relationship with you because they love you.

  3. Respect their values when you're staying with them.  Talk to them one on one and let them know that you feel like a second class member of the family.  Do so in a non-threatening way and find out if they have any concerns about your actions around the house.  

    It might be that you're doing things that make them uncomfortable or things that they don't want your other siblings to see.  

  4. My family is LDS. My brother is g*y. He is always welcome and Dad misses him a lot. He only bothers to visit for special occasions, every few years. Dad is 74 and won't be with us forever (in this life- you know what I mean). Whatever you believe or don't believe about the next life it is undeniable that this life is limited. Cutting your self off from important people in your life because they annoy you is shortsighted.They cannot force you to do any thing. They expect, you relent and resent. Take responsibility for your own actions. Forgive them for wanting for you what they they believe sincerely to be best for you. Even if wrong, even if wholly deluded, their desires and expectations for you are not malicious. Like my brother, you seem to want more than tolerance, more than acceptance, you want them to acknowledge that you are right and they are wrong. Don't wait around for monkeys to fly out of your butt.  Make your expectations reasonable. If you expect them to accept you as you are return the favor and set the example,

    7of9 and I agree and the earth did not crumble. You will not ever get two so completely divergent sources and yet we gave you the same advice. Enjoy your family. It is the only one you've got.

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