
Does anyone else notice that you get the most violations trying to tell stupid people why their stupid?

by  |  earlier

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In a way it is funny, them reporting you proves their stupid.




  1. Birds of a feather stick together.  You misused the word "their" twice.  It should be "they are" or they're."

  2. to be honest, only stupid redneck republicans feel violated by me


    the thumbs down prove i'm right

  3. you are so right !!

    lol! i get reported on a regular basis

    especially when you not only prove they are stupid but also liars you get violated then too!

  4. Proves you have no better control of the English language than they do if you can't get your point across without being offensive.

  5. Nope never got reported for that. I said something about birds and some animal rights idiot had it removed.

  6. I'm sick of it. I have at least 5 answers reported and removed daily.

    you guys are weak!

    Why should I not be offensive?


    Jesus is offensive, he most definitely copied Buddha and got all the credit for it.

    oooo report me

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