
Does anyone else on here find Angel really annoying?

by Guest56854  |  earlier

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With the whole

"The UK is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland altogether,

Such and such is in England

Are you one of these people who only calls England UK"

No geography lesson required thanks!




  1. I used to go around saying "when I get back to England", meaning the UK. I knew the difference, but I never thought about it.

    When I moved to Gibraltar, they called me on it saying "hey, we're British, not English. It's not ALL England, y'know?"

    From then on, I call it the UK. I do sometimes slip up, but I try to remember, and I know how annoying it gets. I would be annoyed if people referred to the UK as Scotland, so I never say it on purpose!

  2. England is England, not the UK, just part of the UK!

  3. I do not like the term UK. I am English and I live in England ,like most of the Scots ! And as for ANGEL ,she speaks her mind and as far as I am concerned she can say what she likes. Only the cowards and effete don't like that .

  4. Yeah I agree, talk about being bloody pedantic!

  5. No i call England England when i mean it on its own, same with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  Just like i say I'm English not British.  

  6. I get sick of her geography lessons too. Look at this question from a few days ago.

    Has Angel got nothing better to do than give patronising answers to perfectly reasonable questions??

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