
Does anyone else out there go into a daze when they drive down the road?And just looks straight ahead?

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Does anyone else out there go into a daze when they drive down the road?And just looks straight ahead?




  1. hah yea it happens to me all the time and i just like randomly snap out of it...

  2. Then you shouldn't be driving.

    How long do you think it will be before you hit someone doing that?

  3. I do when Iam over tired or when Iam in deep thought about something


  5. Sure. Lots of us do. That is when you need to turn the a/c on cold, stop and get some caffeine, turn your radio up a little louder or get out and stretch because it usually means you are starting to get tired. You need to get focused before you get back behind the wheel.

  6. it's called highway hypnotism.  it is common.

  7. It happens to me almost every time I drive. Unfortunetly it happens when I am not driving too like I will end up somewhere at work and forget what in the heck I came over here for. I think it is that I try to think about too much at one time and can't really think CLEARLY about one thing!!

  8. That often happens when on long road trips on interstates...if you catch yourself getting this way, it is best to pull over somewhere & get out & walk around or stop at a place to get something to drink & eat to "snap outta it!"

  9. ya its weird!

  10. I get so zoned out when i drive for more than 20 min! I remember i was driving down the interstate at night goin around 80 mph for like 3 hours and i kept thinking i might be dreaming or something but i didnt try nothin crazy! supposedly if you drive for a really long time youll see a black dog run out in the road!

  11. everyone goes into a daze now and then,but we need to keep our minds sharp and make sure we get plenty of sleep so we can,,be alert in case of possible accident!

  12. we all do...have you ever all of a sudden come out of the daze and not know where you are? its like you been driving and not even knowing you were doing it....maybe i shouldn't confess that.  ; )

  13. it's know as highway hypnosis

  14. It is sometimes referred to as "White-Line fever" and is the cause of many road accidents. The next step on from this is dozing off.

  15. Yes, it's called "road hypnosis" or something like that. Google it for ideas how to keep it from happening--wouldn't want you to slide off the road!

  16. "anyone else?"  heck no...that's very dangerous.  If you find that the road is hypnotizing you then stay off the road.  Let other people take you places, and, ride the bus.

  17. yeah and then i start seeing things when i'm tired. its horrible.

  18. yes! i dont know why but sometimes i have to smoke or listen roll the window down or something. its not sleepiness its just like day dreaming daze but not dreaming i know exaclty what you are talking about.

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