
Does anyone else...??

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Does anyone else not like to sit or stand on graves? and if so why not?

Personally I dont know I think its kinda disrespectful to sit or stand on someone's grave, I know they're dead but still.




  1. yeah i think its disrespectful.

    but when i was younger, i use to like to jump over them. haha.

  2. I just find it wierd because someone is underneath and it is very disrespectful.  

  3. personally, i feel like im going to fall into it. i know, its stupid, but its just a weird pet peeve that i hav to not stand on them. so no, ur not the only one :)

  4. I think it's wrong to sit or stand on them if you don't actually know the person.  If you know them though and are talking to them i guess it would be okay to sit or stand on it.  Myself, I would probably stand just to the side.

  5. i think its disrespectful and a little scary.......i hate cemeteries  

  6. People do say a prayer while kneeling on the grave, facing the head stone.  I think it is disrespectful to walk across the graves of people because it is a short cut.   explains the statement made when you suddenly shudder:  Someone just walked over my grave.

  7. Do you live next to a grave yard?  There are allot of superstitions about standing/walking over someone's grave, but dead is dead.  You could through a party on mine and sit the keg on my tombstone.  Don't worry about the spillage either, I'll have it covered.

  8. its disrespectful. it says rip for a reason. Let them rest in peace! lol

  9. I agree, it's disrespectful, even if there's no one to object... Strange question, haha

  10. I don't do it either.  I feel the same way.  My brother was burried and my family had bought plots next to him.  The funeral home accidentally sold my family plots. They offered to dig up my brother and move him.  NO WAY!  Same idea.  It just seemed disrespectful.  Let them rest in peace.  RIP
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