
Does anyone else remember last week when posters were saying Obama was a "bad parent" when his daughters...?

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..were "misbehaving" in public? And furthermore, that his daughters' behavior PROVED he was a BAD LEADER, because after all - "if you can't raise your children properly, then how can you lead?"


Does anybody else remember that?

All that hoo-ha-ha over a six-year-old girl talking to her Daddy?

And now we get the psycho defense over a teenager who can't keep her legs closed?

Uh.... wouldn't you think that a BETTER indicator of a BAD PARENT ergo, a BAD LEADER would be an unwed, pregnant mother? As opposed to a six-year-old child "speaking out of turn?"


Are the Republicans getting WHIPLASH from changing their positions so fast?




  1. I watched the DNC and do not recall any signs. I do remember a 6 year old correcting her presidential hopeful because he didn't have a fat clue what city he was in.

    Here is the real question. Do children always follow their parents instructions. Don't have s*x till married" "No drinking" "Drive the speed limit".

    The funny thing is had the girl aborted her child no one would have anything to say, so basically you are punishing a 17 year old for her "choice". And you call yourself "Pro Choice"! Laughable!

  2. I Know! I don't feel the least bit of guilt over enjoying this bit of schadenfreude. :). Self-confessed "****ing red-neck" (As the teen father describes himself in his facebook page) and the unfolding dramas of an unfortunate, backward family headed by a crazed Tracy Flick personality make fascinating reading. Looking at Palin is like looking at a car wreck - I want to turn my head away, but it's compelling in a disgusting way,

    Some people, even my good American friends, might be irritated by my critical posts of the USA these days, but honestly! - It's stuff like picking Palin, a religiously fundamentalist, empty headed, vicious person for the position of VP that just asks for criticism and sniggering. :). For goodness sake! Don't these neo-cons have any sense of shame?

  3. Seriously?  They were criticising a six year-old?  That must be because they've never seen one before--their nannies take care of them until they are old enough to run for office or commit a white-collar crime.

    p.s. I'll kill you for that attribution thing :0).  Smart-a**.  Actually, I was hoping you'd carry it forward.

    Edit: Yeah, you know, "I like you...I keell you last."

  4. I missed that. It doesn't apply to them because they are republicans. They don't have to make sense or deal with reality. Only we little people live in the actual real world where it is what it is and not just what we say it is.  

  5. Sad many Americans are really racist.

  6. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The "bad parent" label only applies if you're a Democrat and BLACK.  I don't remember Hillary or Bill ever getting criticized for badly parenting Chelsea.

    EDIT--WHOA!  You go, JGF!!!!

  7. If Palin wasn't running for office then the whole thing would be just another statistic.  Teen pregancy happens all the time in all walks of life and at all income levels.  Did you ever hear the phrase, "The preacher's kid is always the meanest one?"  

  8. I saw that yes while those kids were the stars of the evening. I've seen a lot but that has to be the most desperate conservative attack I've ever witnessed.;...

    Yes the irony is priceless.

    There is an overpowering element of hypocrisy in the whole affair. The Christian right seeks to impose fundamentalist precepts on the entire American population—by banning abortion, contraception, s*x education, the teaching of evolution, stem cell research, etc. Yet they blithely defend Governor Palin on the grounds that Bristol’s pregnancy (as well as Todd Palin’s drunk-driving charge and similar incidents) are proof that the Palins are just regular folks. As McCain speechwriter Mark Salter declared, “These things happen. This has probably happened to millions of American families.”

    It is certainly true that every American family has its issues and problems, immensely exacerbated by the deepening social and economic crisis of the profit system. And that is precisely why tolerance, sensitivity and social support are required, rather than the punitive, moralizing and dehumanizing strictures of those who claim to derive all of the governing principles of society from a literalist interpretation of the Bible.

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