
Does anyone else remember this?

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  1. no i dont actually..... i prefer the atitude era but i actually prefer his character now rather then then

  2. yes i love seeing it over and over

  3. Lol. It really shows that those were the good days as I was only like 10 when it happened and I still remember it. (i'm almost 15)

  4. LOL i do "can i stop for some donuts on the way?" haha

  5. lmao i remember this, he beat the h**l out of i think it was hulk hogan or triple h i cant remember. but he was getting arrested when he did this. the good ole bad *** taker

  6. h**l yeah, those were the best days of wrestling.

  7. ******* FUNNY AS h**l I ALMOST ******* **** MY GODDAMN PANTS

  8. lol, yeah.

    the good times, the good times


  9. Triple H. vs Undertaker. I think this was back when 'Taker was beating people up b/c he wanted respect.. I remember one night Triple H destroyed a few cameras and smashed one with his sledgehammer

  10. Thanks I missed that one.   Can you provide details of when this occurred and the storyline.

  11. LOL! I never saw that before! Thanks!

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