
Does anyone else see the irony that Obama supporters are saying Palin is not experienced?

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She at least has shown she can implement changes to government in an executive position. Taking on her own party and promising to rid of corruption. Which she did.




  1. Very ironic. And a bad move to pursue the Palin/Obama experience topic.

  2. The woman hasn't done anything to the degree you're implying. Furthermore, from my standpoint, (as an undecided voter):

    Obama is Columbia/Harvard Law educated

    Palin is U of Idaho educated.

    Obama has Bachelor's in Political Science and a Juris Doctorate

    Palin has a Bachelor's in Journalism.

    Obama worked as a community organizer

    Palin worked as a sports reporter

    Obama worked as a law professor

    Palin worked as a commercial fisherman

    Obama worked as an attorney

    Palin served on the town council for a city of less than 6k people

    Obama served in the IL state house for 8 years

    Palin served as mayor of the same city with less than 6k residents

    Obama served in the sentate since 06

    Palin served as governor since 06

    So....if you look at it in that form...Obama is much more experienced and much more accomplished than Palin.

  3. No. That is a calculated Rove's tactics to draw attention from issues and turn elections into farce.

  4. Obama's Education- BA International Studies, Law Degree from Harvard, 1st black President of the Harvard Law Review (The most respected law review in the country)

    Sarah Palin Education-BA Journalism Idaho University

    Obama-Post College Law/Community/Government Experience-

    Community Organizer, U. of Illinois-Chicago Constitutional Law Proffessor, Illinois State senator, 4 years U.S. Senator

    Palin Post College/Community/Government Experience-

    Anchorage Sports reporter, City council member and later mayor of a town of 9000 thats not a typo...she was the mayor of a town of 9000. Governor of Alaska for 20 months

    Obama doesnt have the typical "Washington" experience, but he is a very well educated intellectual who knows the law as well as anyone in the country, recieved his degree in international studies, has experience in the Senate and working with the congress who he'll have to work with as a President.

    Regardless if you are a McCain supporter or not, having a U. of Idaho Journalism major whose only experience before being a 20 month governor of the 47th most populous state in the nation was city council and mayor of a town of 9000 as the person 2nd in command and one heart beat away from the presidency behind a multiple cancer survivor who will be the oldest ever elected first term president (72) has to worry you, whether you will admit it or not.

  5. No but I do the see the irony of the Republican pundits, who are acting as though she was the best possible candidate for the job. She has no national political experience as least Obama has 3 yrs. 7 months in the U.S Senate. Keep on spinning those wheels that she is ready to be President . I laugh my a s s off at that vile prospect.

  6. Alot of people here talk out their asses...

    Don't let it get to you.... You just have to see through the stupidity of people and keep going.  

  7. When have you heard Obama supporters say that?

  8. The irony is Repubs railing about experience then coming up with Palin

  9. I think she's great so s***w obama.

  10. Irony or no, I dont know.  But, she does have more experience than Barrack Obama.

    Mccain's pick of Palin, highlights Obama's inexperience and the lefts hypocracy.

    edited to add.  Obama was a US Senator for only 143 days then  he started running for POTUS.  Has not been in the senate since.  He voted mostly "present" as a state senator.

    Palen's state, Alaska has the largest border of all 50 states and it is all surrounded by foreign countries.  Canada and Russia.  Both countries that she has dealt with as Govenor.

    Palen is running for the Vice Presidency, while Obama is running for the Presidency.  Degrees only mean that you are able to read and write, nothing more.  Obama has no experience except as a "community organizer".  Which means he went around and ask people to donate and join whatever Marxist ideology he was "hawking" at the time.

  11. Yea, and the democratic party's nominee is who, again??

  12. She was a Governor. A State Governor. That didn't give her any experience in Foreign Affairs. You can't be that stupid.

  13. Pretty weak but a good waste of their time and money.

  14. ironic? I think it is just another example of the Obama camps hypocrisy. She is also more experienced than Obama, she is a Governor he is a lowly junior Senator.

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