
Does anyone else see the numbers 1:43, 11:43, 2:43, 143, etc. all the time?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering if anyone else sees a sequence of numbers that are almost "shown" to them on a daily basis? My cousin sees the number 4:20, and all of the combinations of those numbers (2:40, 420, 402, etc.) every day as I see mine. We really want to find out what this all means!




  1. trapped in 7 11?

  2. when i have breackfast i always  see 7:11 on the clock.its weird and funny at the same time since it reminds me of the store 711 (:

    p.s.i always see the number 666 in math somhow.freaks me out.

  3. Sometimes I look at the clock at exactly the same time every day, and even get change in that amount.  

    My advice is don't worry about it too much.

  4. This question has been asked lots of times on you're not the only one it happens to. Some say you have to find out for yourself what it means. (it might not mean anything). I guess you need to go to Numerology and see what certain numbers mean. But then, I wonder how that all got started...Who decided what each number means....and did they come up with this (numerology) on their own or were shown it by spirits. And, if so..were the spirits good spirits or bad spirits or joker spirits or deceptive spirits. In the's always hard to tell what anything really means.

    Here's a link to angel numbers:

  5. your subconscious is drawing your attention to these numbers. You are expecting to see these numbers so you do....... if you start consciously thinking of another number you will begin seeing it everywhere too.

  6. I ALWAYS see the number 235 or in some cases, 2:35. It's so freaky! Every day I see it sooner or later!

  7. I keep seeing the number 4,228,912,634, but then I'm just peculiar.


  8. It's called a coincidence.

  9. this is becoming an occuring occurance, with alot of people recently...with me its 3.33...thats what started, and also with 10.04....I was seeing them everyday and everywhere, and in the most unusual places...After a while it was driving me nuts, so when i actually started taking notice, i found my answers that the numbers were trying to tell me....quite impressing it was then i learnt there are no coincidences, and they were made, to stand out at me from every possible angle.....

    Then funny enough i met a person who gave me the book to read The Celestine Prophecy....which talked about synchronicity / coincidences....The more we want to know about something, an  answer, the coincidences will keep happening, until we get to our answer.....The number 333 is very symbolic to me in more ways than one....

    But all diferent people will see their own numbers, and if you do take notice, youd be surprised at what message they could have for you....I know people say its confirmation bias, but i know in my case, when ever the numbers wanted my attention, id feel like a magnetic pull towards them, so i would turn my face around and see them,,,...Angels talk to us via mostly triple numbers...but its up to you to find out what they mean for you......

  10. You are noticing the times in which you see those numbers and disregarding the rest thus giving you the illusion that you see those numbers all the time.

  11. Everything happening in our life are b'se of certain laws through which you and me exists. It's a chain

  12. Actually, this might be what is known as Synchronicity.

    "Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are causally un-related. In order to be synchronous, the events must be related to one another conceptually, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small."-wikipedia

    You might want to google the term for more information.  I experience this often with either the number 911 or with doubles in all my numbers (like your repitition of 43) or my letters like alliance, balloon, ellen, etc etc.

    Wikipedia has more on it here:

  13. Usually it's numbers like 11:11 or 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 888...these are numbers I see all the time. and in a way that's unmistakable. You would not believe how many cars liscence plates I've seen with 444 on them. on particular day I was sitting at a stop light, I was in the right hand lane on a four lane road, so there was two lanes of traffic plus a left turn lane. In front of me was 444, to my left was 888, and in the left turn lane was 222, and every single gas station I passed had the cheapest gas set at 333. I laughed and said, 'okay, you got my attention." LOL

    So, I think these particular numbers you're seeing are meant just for you. You may ask out loud, "okay, I hear you, what does it mean?" Try doing a search on the internet for those numbers and follow where your gut leads you.

    Peace to you!

  14. hahah, it was 11:43 when i read your question.

    Actually, a lot of people experience this. Typically its refered to as 11:11 phenomena as 11:11 is the most common number. Basically you are doing whats called confirmation bias. You are (at least at a subconscious level) looking for these numbers. When you see them (and the will come up frequently if you are looking) your mind tells you it is something significant so you remember them. You forget about all the numbers you see during the course of a day which do not fit the pattern.

    Josephine is right, the 11:11 phenomena is a form of syncronicity.

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