
Does anyone else see the opening for a spin off series for Stephine Meyer... Spoiler!!!?

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I have just finished reading breaking dawn. I have noticed that she has left a large spot in the story... (Because it is all about Edward and Bella, well mostly Bella) open for a spin off series with Jacob and Renesmee as the main characters due to the imprinting? She didn't to me close all the wholes. Am I wrong or do you see it too?




  1. Absolutely,  She was smart and didn't write herself into a corner.  I think that Leigh would make an interesting spin-off as well as the Alaskan Vampires.  

  2. i agree. she was smart and totally left herself a chance to go back to this series, or continue the plot from another characters point of view. after all, she left the whole volturi thing hanging! does anyone else agree? they only settled the problem for now, but the volturi are still in power and jealous/wary of the cullen coven. edward himself said that  the volturi weren't done with the cullens, but simply put off for a little while. umm.. mrs meyer.. we want another book!

  3. she put it there on purpose - it isn't over but breaking dawn is the last of bellas point of veiw

  4. I think she kind of made it clear that it was THE END.

    She said in the book

    something was final like when you come to the end of a manuscript and it says "the end".

    Then she ends her book with The End.  

    Any way that was the way I read it.  I think she did leave an out in case she wants to use it, but I think she has other plans in the works.

    I am really excited about the book from Edwards point of view.  

  5. Lets hope no one notices!

  6. I thnk it would be cool from Renesmee POV. You could like see how the fall in love.

  7. I saw that. I think a view from Nessie when she was older, say 25, would be very interesting.  

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