
Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture?

by Guest31798  |  earlier

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My God sister is twelve, and lives in rural Georgia. She's hanging out with a girl who is on probation for giving oral to two boys outside a school gym. My "sister" is also addicted to Myspace and the internet. She takes pictures of herself where she looks like a fool and the caption beneath them reads, "We're so high." She talks to boys who are 17 years old and has relationships with them, even though they're in different states. She disobeys her mother and also gets away with everything. She came to stay with me and my boyfriend for a week and would freak out when I told her to read her book, get off of Myspace, and she especially freaked out when I read her Myspace messages.

I've told her mother numerous times that she needs to take the internet away or at least monitor what her child is doing. She brushes it off.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? If yes how would you go about talking to her mom again to get your point across and get something done about it?




  1. I would try to sit down and talk with them both and if that didn't work contact the local department of children and family services. Better them be mad at you than for her to get raped pregant or worse murdered by someone on the internet etc..

  2. sounds like a sad movie of the week. i would pull my hair out if my daughter did this. at the first sign of trouble i would have either fixed her up with discipline or taken her to therapy.

  3. Sounds like the mom could use a good dose of reality. Your "sis" probably already has done things that would make you puke if you only knew. Take her to church, get involved in any way possible.

    3 R's....

    Rules without Relationships equals Rebellion.

    Pray about it, that's always the answer.

  4. Let her know what her daughter is doing, and if she continues to let her do the same thing, then her daughter is gonna end up pregnant, get a STI, or any other bad thing. Just keep bringing it up

  5. tell her mom  wuts going o it is all u can do

  6. Compile your evidence and approach mom with it.  If she doesn't listen, talk to Dad, Grandma, or better yet your own parents.  Someone needs to get through to Mom, and being basically a friend of the family, you would not have as much pull as another adult would.

  7. Even though you're right in this situation, it's not your job to raise the kid, or to tell her mother how to raise her. You've already done your part by telling her mother what you think. If she chooses to brush it off, it's on her now. Just keep an eye on her and if you see her do something particularly bad, tell her mom, but besides that, just leav it alone.

  8. Yeah this is a bad situation. I don't know how you could do anything different than what you've already tried. Maybe call child protective services if it's getting really bad? Maybe even the police if she's been chatting to guys over 18.

    Why are some parents of young girls not taking the internet and all the pros/cons that come with it seriously? Several times I've answered questions on here, turns out they were kids, and then the parents would respond back that we (the answerers) were nut-jobs and pathetic human beings for talking to a child that way. Really? They are the ones NOT supervising THEIR children on the computer, yet I'm the one with the problem?

  9. Hire a cop to chat with her then let him meet her. Then maybe she will understand just how dangerouse this is. Make the mother meet him at the same time. Put the fear of God in her. Sounds like she needs it

  10. no x

  11. No, really? You think so?

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