
Does anyone else suspect a conspiracy?

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9/11 was a horrifying day in america but my question to u is who did it? yea everyone stood up, including me, and got all patriotic but what im sayin is all of a sudden the government passes the patriot act, and we are losing our freedoms slowly but surely, some people say no planes hit the twin towers but I dont believe it i know planes hit the towers but i dont think thats what brought the towers down, i mean watch the videos they didnt topple over they pancaked down just like a controlled demolition...and also what i understand is that the towers were built to withstand a direct hit from an incredible force...its horrifying to even think the land of the free would do something like this but it has to make u wonder




  1. i actually do think this and i agree with what you said but of course the government would never say that and they are taking away peoples freedom theres is just no way to stop it

  2. What about the possibility that the event was planned by Algore and the DNC because of their anger at losing the 2000 election and they wanted to make President Bush look bad? h**l, it's now 2008 and some of them still haven't gotten over it.

    Given the locations that the planes hit and the building design, I can easily see how they pancaked. Had the planes hit lower, say on the 20th floor, the outcome might have been different.

  3. the buildings were designed to withstand an impact from older jumbo jets. not newer bigger ones. it was not the impact that made the buildings collapse, it was the hundred's of litres of aviation fuel that ignited and burnt that hot that it melted the structural steel, hence the "pancake" collapse.

    it wouldn't surprise me if some people in the US government had something to do with it. it makes you wonder when the Bin Laden  family are Friends with the Bush family.

    i suggest you watch Fahrenheit 9/11. it explains a bit.

  4. many question need to asked, and answered factually it is hard to say what happened the official story is a bit far fetched, Aviation fuel burns at 1300 degrees steel melts at 3000,and heat rises,  why did NFPA ( National Fire Protection Agency ) state that no steel building has ever collapsed due to fire, except the towers. why was NFPA investigators never allowed to look into the collapse? these and many other questions need to be addressed. But I doubt they will be and that will give rise to theorists.

  5. Let's analyze your questions, OK?

    The commucrats in this country believe the terrorists when they say they want to talk peace as long as we provide funding for their people. But they don't believe them when they claim to have destroyed the WTC buildings. Are they liars or peace loving killers?

    If our government did bring down the towers, how can there not be a single liberal or democrat know. I mean this happened in "Liberal Central". And if one does know the government did it, doesn't that make them part of the conspiracy? That would put both sides on the same side.

  6. Good question.  We may never know the answer.

    What we do know now is that the United States government and the CIA were no doubt involved in  the murder of President Kennedy.

    We know that during the Spanish American war our government ordered the deaths of A.merican sailors on the Maine in order to justifiy the war and to sieze Cuba for the sugar industry.

    We know that the CIA had American LERP teams in Vietnam protect heroine shipments and that Ronald Reagan and his Vice Big Bush allowed the CIA to import cocaine into the country to finance their illegal war in Nicaragua.

    Read William Blum's book, Rouge State, for more instances of sickening episodes of American barbarity and you will wonder even more.

  7. The twin towers were designed to withstand the impact from an aircraft, but this was done with 1940's era aircraft in mind, and it was planned for accidental collisions.  They were not designed to withstand high speed intentional impacts from 757's that were completely loaded with jet fuel.

    As far as losing freedom goes, I haven't lost mine.  In terms of freedom, my life has not changed since 9/11.  I know that under the Patriot Act my phone calls and emails might be monitored, but I doubt they are, and if they are, they are a waste of time.  There is nothing substantive in them that could be used against me, because there is no reason to use anything against me.

  8. There's not one shred of evidence (including how the buildings collapsed) to suggest anything but a bunch of islamic fundamentalists hijacking several planes and flying two of them into the towers.  Like most conspiracy theories, there are always those who can dream up all sorts of flaws and contradictions, but those who believe in the monumental conspiracy that you're talking about (which includes the idea that the US Government -- whoever that may include -- conspired to murder thousands of people for their own evil ends) have the burden of proof.  So far, they've come up with very little, comparable to those who believe we never landed on the moon.

    By the way, there's lots of video of the planes hitting the towers, and detailed engineering studies about why this would cause the towers to collapse -- an event, by the way, I witnessed first hand.

  9. Can anyone offer me prof that 19 suicidal Arabs

    hijacked 4 airliners and crashed 3 of them into buildings?

    Can anyone here answer the question

    WHY did the worlds greatest military power

    FAIL to defend even its own HQ?

    AMERICA has a HUGE PROBLEM here!

    What are the odds that 3 steel framed skyscrapers

    would "collapse" completely, not just damaged, but destroyed!

    I'm not saying that I have all the answers, but if you read the "official 9/11 report" you will see that its only a white-wash job!  

    Lets get real people!

    The emperor is NAKED!


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