
Does anyone else suspect that OBL is dead since he no longer appears live in his video's?

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I can see where he may want to keep us from figuring out where he is by clues in the background, but there are backdrops & such to divert us. It just seems like they want us to think he is still alive so they continue sending still video's with different pics of him so we believe he is alive.




  1. neither the C.I.A. nor the Pentagon think he is dead.

    his last audio tape is less than two years old.

    and of course we have a new tape for the 6th anniversary of 9-11 that has yet to be authenticated.

    as for the kidney disease rumors - they are just that - rumors only.

    our military is still searching for him and the word is that he is still alive

    the C.I.A. does not think bin laden could die with out the Arab world mourning his loss.

  2. Well, he talked about the 2006 U.S. elections, and despite what you say, he was moving in the video. I don't think there is any evidence to back up this kind of speculation.

  3. He just appeared in one.

  4. I hope he is no more but if he is alive,he can only be in Pakistan under proction of the top man of the country

  5. I'm tired of all his fake videos, if he really wants his threats to be taken seriously why doesn't he show himself?

  6. Of course he is dead. The CIA is full of c**p for peddling these fake videos.OF THE CIA

  7. Yes, he has been dead for about 2 years now. Oh, and Samatha, stop posing and watch the video. Thats not Bin Laden.

  8. This is your CIA and their c**p. This agency needs to be abolished.

  9. I don't think he's dead, but he probably is sick or crippled, which is why he never apprears in public and his videos are so infrequent.

  10. yes hes dead

    besides in the middle east th life expectancy is 57

    he is about 64

    trust me he is dead as a door nail

  11. Somebody did a lousy job of creating a look a like in the last video.  They did not pay attention to detail.  Eyebrows arched too low, nose too wide and puffy, too much makeup, different body language and hand gestures.  They need to hire a better makeup artist and try again.

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