
Does anyone else think Califonia is th most beautiful place in the world?

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i am from Cali and i live in ireland for 11 years nw im 18 and dying to go home. i hate it here, yes my family is here now and my life, but i want to start new. jus get out of here. california is evything to me, it all i can think about, if i go home tho i wont have anywer to live at first but im determined to make it work! im driven and ive a good head on me and i just want out of this cold dark place.

what do u think?




  1. AUSTIN TX- don't all you California people end up here anyways!   Clearly you were a kid and you hold these fond memories that are probably a little trumped up...I felt the same way about the place I called home and ws forced to move by family..but I love it here now and wouldn't change it.  I will say- it is hard to move/ start over with no family to lean on , friends near.  And at 18!  Yikes- really hard- plus the cost of living in Cali is ridiculous.  I mean rent here in Austin is @ $1000 for a tiny place in the hood, so unless you are independantly wealthy, you need the'll end up on skid row

  2. I don't. I think TEXAS is the MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE ON EARTH.

  3. Oh my CA nice? I can understand that you would think that since you lived there but as someone that is very well traveled I can tell you that CA is probably somewhere in the top 100 destinations but towards the bottom of the 100. What you probably miss more is your friends in CA than the actual location. I do agree with you about Ireland to some extent but it is a nice place to visit if you get lucky with the weather in the summer months.

  4. Southern California is overpopulated. The traffic sucks. The people are meaner than snakes. Everything is ugly and brown from the drought..No, this place bites. Can't wait to get out of here.

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