
Does anyone else think John McCain made a HUGE mistake?

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Sarah Palin is a ridiculous choice for vp.

Do you agree?




  1. How on EARTH does a Beauty Pageant Contestant from Alaska have the skills it will take?

    She has already blunderously admitted that she has no idea what the VP does from day to day...

    McCain angers me beyond belief with this ridiculous mockery of American politics.

  2. At first I thought so, but the more I have learned about Palin the more I think McCain made an excellent choice.  Sheer Genius!

  3. His big thing against Obma is that he doesn't have experiance( Never mind that Bush,Clinton,and the Republican God Regan had none either) and then he picks someone with less.I understandtrying to get the Clinton lovers on borad with him but in the end I the issues will be looked at by the majority of voters.Hillary and Palin are totaly oppisite people.So i really don't see where he is gaining much ground.

  4. this coming from a group that elected a peanut farmer.didn't bill clinton have the same experience? the answer is,it was one of the best political moves in modern heard it here first!

  5. Yes, it certainly was. There are many conservative women who are much more qualified than she is. I really have no idea what went into that thought process. McCain is in his 70s and the possibility that the VP will have to take over is not small; I can't imagine if the next leader of the most powerful, richest country in the world of 300,000,000 is led by a person with a BS in communications from the University of Idaho, who was mayor of a town of 6000 (and ran its finances into the ground) and the governor of one of the smallest states for barely 2 years. There are literally millions of people I'd feel more comfortable in the Oval Office than her.

  6. McCain did not put country first. His choice in waiting is downright scary

  7. Maybe, but Obama is a ridiculous choice for President, so what's the difference.

  8. Absolutely not. She has credible gubernatorial experience that exceeds Obama's thin resume, and even Biden's in some respects.  What exactly have either Obama or Biden actually had to MANAGE? Thier own staff or campaign? Does that compare to even a MONTH running even a low population STATE?

    Palin comes out WAY AHEAD on this "experience comparison".

    Palin is real, honest, tough as a sled dog and darn good looking (Hey, they said it about Obambi first) she's got the right stuff.

    McCain/Palin '08 sounds good, oui?

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