
Does anyone else think Mcdonald's and fast food is killing Americans quick?

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Does anyone else think Mcdonald's and fast food is killing Americans quick?




  1. Like someone else mentioned, it's the people who are killing themselves by eating at such places sooooooo often! It's ridiculous! They spend sooo much money on advertisements for fast foods restaurants and people are busy working, so they have no time to prepare their own food. Hence, they eat out and make really bad food choices when they do.

    I actually do research online for the nutrition facts at fast food places, so I can make better choices. Of course I still have a burger and fries once in a while, but as far as lunch during the work day, I aim for the healthier options, like salad with grilled chicken or a bbq chicken sandwich (both at Carl's Jr.). They're yummy and quite healthy!

    Maybe if more people did this, we'd have less obese people in our society.

  2. yes i use to work there..thats were i got hurt...yes there food if you want to call it food..its all  trans fat im sure of it..

  3. no i think they give a larger temptations. they have all rights to sell their products.

  4. yes. there are so many other fast options for meals. you can cook a homemade meal in as less as 15 minutes so why waste gas, money, and time in the drive through making yourself fat?!

  5. No americans are making the choice to eat fastfood......they are killing themselves.  I think that it is oh k to get fastfood once every couple of months as long as you have a well balanced diet and exercise daily.

  6. Americans are doing it to themselves.  No one is forcing us to eat fast food, smoke, drink, not exercise, drive fast while texting, be over stressed at work, or any of the other destructive things Americans do these days.

  7. No i dont think it is. Everyone is their own person. If they choose to eat mcdonalds thats up to them. In the long run of course too much of anything is not good for you.

  8. no, we all make our own choices right? just because something looks good doesn't always mean it is good. besides fast food cost too much in the long run, there are way healthier foods that are cheaper.

  9. no

  10. yeah, there is so many preservatives and FAT in them, its a heart attack sandwich

    did you know that the cheese in their burgers was tested and the guy who tested it said "it shouldnt be called cheese, theres less cheese in this slice than in the packaging!"

    or something along those lines, they tested it on Morgan Spurlock's "Supersize me"

  11. Why is it the fault of McDonald's & the fast food industry. People have a choice. No one is being forcet to eat at these places at gun point. You either choose to to eat fast food or you choose not to. It's a lack of individual will power, & a  concious choice not to stay away from fast food that's killing americans.

  12. Not necessarily.

    People choose to eat from those places.

    Of course we have the people who have busy, working lives and have to settle for fast food.. I am one of those, and I am guilty of  eating some form of fast food every single day..

    However, almost every restaurant, (yes, even McDonalds) has healthier, lighter choices to choose from.

    So instead of diving for the Big Mac, grab a salad and a yogurt.

  13. No No No........American are killing themselves with the poor food choices they make, lack of exercise and laziness.  No one forces people to eat fast food or make unhealthy food choices but themselves. Americans are spoiled, they have moved away from gardens (even in cities in boxes on windows)  and eating healthy

  14. Yes because they choose to have unhealthy foods and they aren't trying to make there foods healthier  and they are killing the environment.

  15. Oh YES!!!!

  16. Absolutely!  I think the book, Fast Food Nation, should be required reading for high school seniors.

  17. Americans are killing themselves by eating at those places. Its not Mcdonald's and other fast food places fault.

  18. No, I do not think that it is, because adults can choose what they eat and what they do not eat.

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