
Does anyone else think Vampires are fake?

by  |  earlier

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I don't believe in them.




  1. Oh, they're real, alright.  So is the Wolfman, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, and also bears.

  2. I'm one.

  3. I assume most of the answerers also believe they are fake...

    Then again it depends on what you mean by vampire. Vlad the Impaler was real enough, but Dracula is clearly the work of fiction.

  4. I think theyre real.

  5. Vampires are real, just not the ones like in the movies. Dracula was real. Where do you think they got the idea from?

  6. Dear, they are not real, they don't exists, they are myth.

    Human beings are far much near to their characteristics, there are people who like to eat human meat, drink blood, I would say those are vampires, but they are humans.

    I don't believe in vampires those can fly or die in sun.

  7. Wannabes who wear dark clothes, sip blood now and then, and  -call-  themselves vampires, are all -too-  real.

    But undead creatures of the night are just a myth, which is too bad, really. I'd just love to see the posers' faces if they met the real thing.

    "No, little man. I'M a vampire, and you? You are LUNCH!"


  8. d**n i guess that means i wont be getting my  neck bitten anytime soon if they aren't real, i guess I'll just have to wait for my werewolf neighbor to take over in that department lol

  9. theyre real but theyre not like the hollywood type of vampires

  10. What do you want? a medal?

  11. You just keep thinking that. It's honestly rather helpful to have people like you still covering our existence. Keep up the good work.

  12. there are some living like one,believe it are not ....right down to drinking blood!!their stupid that's my opinion.. they even have a dentist put fangs in..stupid uh...

  13. The orgins of vampires came from people who were in-prisoned in dark dungeons hundreds of years ago.They were locked up in dark prisons and never feed.Some starved.Some of the strong ones turned in to cannibals, eating weaker prisoners and new prisoners.Theses poor people were forces to drink human blood for years.They could not eat solid food like raw meat as with lack of vitamins caused ,most of there teeth to fall out.When they were released or escaped years later they still had to drink blood.Because of years in the dark,they could not stand the daylight.It hurt there eyes.Normal food made them sick as they were use to drinking blood.They use to hide in cemetery as most people would not venture there at night and they could dig up fresh bodies to drink there blood.Most of the time they attacked farm animals and drank there blood.When they were desperate for blood they may attack living people like young girls and children.Just a handful of theses poor souls started the vampire legends.There was nothing demonic about them at all.I guess most of them died of natural causes or were hunted down and shot.

  14. they're not real...totally a myth. duhhh

  15. We do exist. Vampires are not like those in the movies or books, we don't drain unwilling victims of their blood. We have kind people who are called donors and they give us the blood or energy we need. Vampires are people who have energy deficiency and need to get that energy by taking it from other people. We don't die in the sun, can't fly, no super powers, can cross running water, garlic, holy water and the cross don't phase us (because we are not demons we are just different to normal people), we can see better at night than in the day, heightened senses, we do age(just not as fast) and we aren't immortal.

    I understand that you don't because there are many posers online.

  16. We are real we are just not the way we are presented in fiction.Yes we do drink blood but we cant fly or turn in to a bat.

    We are still ppl but just different from wat most see as normal

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