
Does anyone else think it's inappropriate that ABC.....?

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...that ABC aired the "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" episode about rebuilding New Orleans after Katrina, on the eve of a potentially catastrophic Gustav? or do you think it's just a programming scheduling coincidence? thanks.




  1. I think they have to get their schedule out a week or so in advance for TV Guide and others that publish their schedule. A week ago they could not have known. Which left them with the option of a last minute cancellation or airing it.

  2. I imagine they had it scheduled for this date, because today is the 3rd anniversary of Katrina hitting New Orleans. That Gustav is coming in is the coincidence.

  3. It was not aired on ABC right before Gustav came in on purpose. Like someone else said ABC schedules what they will air at least a week in advance. Otherwise, they may have done it in order to show how you can rebuild your life after a horrible disaster. Either way... :)

  4. oh i think its just a coincidence  

  5. Mere coincidence, probably..

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