
Does anyone else think it's out of line for a government to take custody of a child to change it's name?

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my reasons 1. when the child becomes an adult or when they reach a certain age they can emancipate themselves and change their name if they so desire 2. soem culture used to naem their children one who soars with eagles..and w hat not....3. The child will get picked on about something whether it be a name of a physical oddity in the eyes of their peers so that excuse is not valid....

what do you think




  1. The kid was so traumatized by her own name, she refused to tell it to any of her friends.  That, coupled with the fact that her parents were arguing over custody, I think is a good enough reason for her to be made a ward of the crown, at least temporarily.  

    You might feel differently if your parents had named you "Talula Does The Hula".  What a ridiculous thing to do to a child.  Kids have it hard enough as is without making them an easy target for teasing by other children.

  2. Sorry, but in extreme cases like poor little Talula Does The Hula's, I think it was fine for the government to take custody of the child.  Imagine applying to college (usually one begins the process by age 17) with such a ridiculous name!  Also, the little girl expressed embarrassment over her name; none of her friends knew her real name, as she was too humiliated to tell them.  I think those parents need a slap to the head.  If you want to give a living thing a ridiculous name like Talula Does The Hula, get a friggin' dog instead.  A child is a human being, not one's personal accessory.

  3. I think you missed the point here. The CHILD is embarrassed by her name. She refuses to tell people her name and goes by an initial. Given the fact the child is in the middle of a

    nasty custody case I think the judge did absolutely the right thing and the only thing he could to do safeguard the CHILD'S needs and wishes. Why should she be subject to more than average abuse at the hands of her peers in her formative years? If you are an adult fine change your name if you want when you are an adult but however many people do? Very few. I belive lthat the child is more important than the parents need to saddle them with ridiculous and embarrassing names. The parents must be mental or else so drunk or stoned they thought this was a hilarious label to hang on that poor girl. I totally agree with any government that stops the parent from naming the child outtlandish names as cited in the article. We have child protection laws for a reason and this includes mental abuse  which this is. As for your statement that people name their children 'soars with

    eagles' etc I would point out that names that are cultural or tribal are not being interfered with just totally stupid ones

    like this so that excuse is not valid either.

  4. It seems as if that was the only legal way to change her name. I agree with the decision. From what I read, I do not think the state kept the child. "Hula the tula or tula the hula" whatever the chose was very inappropriate and will cause social and behavioral problems and a parent to do that to a child is questionable.

  5. There's a huge difference between naming your child something unusual, and naming them something just plain stupid. Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii? OMG. Why not just throw your kid down a flight of stairs every morning. Probably hurt less than having to wear THAT moniker for the next 18 years.

    Soars With Eagles is a HUGE improvement over Yeah Detroit or Number 16 Bus Stop.

  6. I think that if parents are stupid enough to give their children such a stupid name like the one in the news I say yes.  Why on this earth would someone give a child a name that is so off the wall that every child around them will make fun of them.

    I think that you can call that mental child abuse.

  7. I don't think so in that case. The child's name was "Talula does the hula from Hawaii" ... what kind of name is that for a child? Unbelievable that parents would even do that! I don't think they should have made her ward of the state, but I do think they did the right thing by changing her name.

  8. I think it is child abuse to expect a child to go through the school years called - Talulah does the hula!!!

    Talulah is bad enough by itself but adding the "does the hula" part was abusive.

  9. I think it's about time someone did something to help those kids. I am a teacher and I have had students with outrageous names that embarrassed them: Truely Irish, Fuc*e, Urethra, and others. No child should be saddled with a horrible name that ruins his self esteem.

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