
Does anyone else think it hypocritical of George W Bush to criticise China?

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On Human Rights issues, i think its laughable actually, and what will it get him, a little more kudos in the eyes of the American public or do you like me think he should just be quiet and go home.

After all the Chinese can in turn cite Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Afghanistan and sundry other wars and situations that the American government has got involved with, and holding people illegally surely gives him no right to cast aspersions on the Chinese.

They do have serious issues with Human Rights but that has been going on a long time, why if he was so concerned, did he not speak out before.




  1. Well he's one of the few that they will take seriously.  

  2. Yes I thought it was hilarious!  But are you really surprised by it.  The US are allowed to act like a superpower and anyone who goes against them is 'anti american' and a 'terrorist', but anyone else using the same methods as them is just plain barbaric.  

    Both countries need to sort out their appalling human rights issues before speaking out against each other.

  3. Yep clean up your own house.

  4. i thought exactly  the same when i saw him on the news.  the inmates at guantanamo bay  havent been treated very well have they? it seems its one rule for america and another for the rest of the world. .

  5. He's leaving being boss and doesn't care anymore.

    Yes he is a hypocrite.

  6. It's only plausible for him to speak for the American people, not to mention the ACLU, OSHA, etc that the rights I have been forbidden to talk about at my child's school in Calif, that he should be able to speak about in China.  I'm not allowed to talk about Christ in my child's school in Calif, so that gives you the right to criticize Bush because of the ACLU in America.

    Oh, wait, am I going to be arrested because I prayed at the flagpole last year for saying this to you?  No.  I live in America.  Would I be arrested in China?  Yes, and you would not even hear about this.

    You say a lot of big words but do NOTHING for people, even though you are an ADVOCATE of people.  Why don't you work for a change???

  7. bush should get things in order in the US before intrfering in china,  

  8. yeah, and you can add to that list the 150 men and 2 women who were executed during his time as governor of texas

    and the fact that more people are in poverty in USA now than when he started

    "our enemies never stop trying to make me look like a pillock... and neither do i"

    also worth mentioning that it doesnt stop USA or UK doing loads of trade with china.  we're all hypocrites lol

  9. I agree, its definitely a case of double standards. The US just like China and Iran uses the death penalty, started an illegal war in Iraq, they have tortured and killed prisioners, killed innocent civilians in Afganistan by reckless bombing, support Israel even when it continues to build new settlements and are now considering bombing Iran. Its a no brainer for me anyway

  10. Yes, China is following examples set by the Western World, and needs to see good a good example of leadership, not criticism.

  11. Well considering Civil rights in the 60s,Guantanamo bay and the Patriot act it `s a bit rich,

  12. chinese fight themselves and those close to them and bush fights everyone but his own and as far away from american soil as possible so the american public only know what the american government want them to know!!!  -  

  13. China does cite issues with US approach to war on terror. But still, stuff with US isn't bad as China just yet.  

  14. He is a moron. Guantanamo bay is evidence of his agenda. Extraordinary rendition? Thuggery more like.

  15. Latest news-

  16. Bush contradicts himself on a daily basis.

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