
Does anyone else think it is an outrage that this section's title is spelled wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Rio de JAneiro is one of the most famous cities in the world, for goodness sake!

PS: yes, I did e-mail Yahoo about it and it's been almost a month. Did anything happen? See for yourselves.




  1. It;'s a small island of the coast of brazil i thinlk

  2. Shame on Yahoo!!!

  3. hahahahaha...good catch.  That IS a pretty dumb mistake!  I'd be offended, I think.

    It'd be like misspelling "Los Angeles" or "New York City" or some other famous American city.

  4. it is horrible!!!!

    I hope they change it soon...

  5. If you look hard enough you'll find that also CAmpo Grande is misspelled.

    Might that too reflect Yahoo's &/or N-Americans' lack of excellence, as far as dealing with foreigners is concerned?

    After all, many US'ers seem to think the world consists of the US only.

    A Brazilian research-team found out that in the Midwest many didn't even know the name of their state's capital (let alone spell it). But: They had strong opinions on places like Iraq, Syria, etc., yeah, even Brazil, but not the slightest ideas as to where these are situated...

  6. Evidently they have been seeing some of the spelling on this site and figure that the vast majority will not even notice. I hope they are not hiring illegal aliens.

  7. I can't believe that they would make such a dumb mistake like that. If its not in a dictionary they can find it in an atlas.

  8. Is it not in the dictionary if not thats y

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