
Does anyone else think it is funny the RNC hasn't a single issue?

by Guest57009  |  earlier

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I have been watching the RNC but they have yet to say a single thing they will do to fix the economy, win the war(define what victory consist of) or anything else. They talked more about the set of the DNC than anything that will help this country.




  1. I am an economics professor and you are so full of it.

    Study economics.

    Go to school.

    Quit posting your extreme ignorance.

    I sure hope you are not old enough to vote.

    They also covered the democrats plan  tax and spend.



    Invalid question. No I do not think it is funny.

    There are economic cycles. there are appropriate steps during each phase.

    Triggers have different impacts...even if the same dollar amount. Lowering taxes has more impact then increased taxes and more Government Spending  

  2. They have nothing to run on.  McCain has 26 years iin the Senate and never did anything to change D.C and all of a sudden he wants to change it based on all of Bush's policies.  THANKS BUT NO THANKS.

  3. Of course its because what they have to offer sounds a lot like Dubya.........Id keep my mouth shut and just rant rant rant as well

    McCain wont be as fortunate tomorrow because he has to have an agenda or face getting buried by Obama...

  4. No, I think it is nauseating.  

    The contrast in the tone between the two conventions is shocking.   It's clear that there is a subset of the population really enjoys the negative, divisive approach of the Republican party, but most people have come to realize what a disservice this approach to governing is, and how much damage it has caused over the past 8 years.  

  5. Palin Brought up some issues tonight.

    I guarantee McCain will outline his plan during his speech.

  6. if you mean didnt tell you what the federal government is going to be giving you then yes your right not one issue.  

    If you are talking about limiting the federal government, cutting taxes, cutting pork, keeping a Strong military, curbing corruption, etc etc you obviously werent paying attention

    "It's clear that there is a subset of the population really enjoys the negative, divisive approach of the Republican party, but most people have come to realize what a disservice this approach to governing is, and how much damage it has caused over the past 8 years"

    you people have no clue do you.  I think the number was around 50 times Obama mentioned Bush in his speech (who isn't running for president in case you didn't know)  I guess its not "divisive" if its your side doing it right.  grow up

  7. Did you listen to the speech?  They said they wouldn't raise taxes, unlike Obama, he tells you that he is not going to raise taxes on the people.  He's going to raise taxes on businesses, so unless you don't get a paycheck from a business, own a business (big or small), buy groceries or gas from a business, then yes, this increase in taxes will not effect you.  

    Palin also addressed the energy crisis and the goal of America becoming energy independent.  They will do this (here's your economy part) by gathering energy in America, using American workers to produce and distribute (here are new jobs) and selling American energy to Americans ending foreign dependence.   She did not go in-depth into a complete strategy, neither did Obama or Biden, but if you took the time to look at McCain web site you can go read what his plans are.  

    Palin only mentioned the 1 set at the DNC 1 time.  

  8. Just some of what I heard:

    Energy independence

    Winning in Iraq

    National Security

    Family values

    Social and Fiscal responsibility

    what were you listening to?

  9. Well they think they have already won the war (Iraq) and the one that the really botched up (Afghanistan) doesn't exist. They can't fix the economy because they don't see anything wrong with it.

    The do plan to drill in ANWAR because Palin insists (even though McCain is against it, but hey who has the "executive experience").

    The Republicans not only want Palin to be the first woman VP, they want McCain to be the first President puzzy-whipped by his VP.

  10. The economy is really a red hering issue for a president.  All he (/she) can do is not tax it do death.  It's generally up to the economy how well the economy goes.

  11. They brought up the many issues along with specifics on the economy, prolife, and protecting our country from terrorists.

    Obama raised 47 points in his speech of hope with zero specifics.

  12. The conventions are to celebrate the nominee's.  The campaigning and the debates are for speaking out about their policies.

  13. You mean like move the sun, fix the orbit of the earth or any of the totally stupid issues of the DNC. Real issues are things that can be fixed that you have some plans to fix not just "pie in the sky" promises. Oh yeah, Obama never promises - he just hopes. Can I take hopes to the bank since my pay will be used to pay for unrealistic programs.

    US safety, lower taxes - we call those issues.

  14. McCain has made it perfectly clear what he plans to do. You can also find what he's done in the past to some extent what he plans to do in the future. Why are you watching the RNC when it seems you have your mind pretty well made up?

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