
Does anyone else think its sick, twisted, and demented that people are actually happy that Cena is injured?

by  |  earlier

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i feel very strongly about this! you really shouldn't cheer at other peoples pain. this is a prime exaple of the sacrafices WWE superstars give for some unappreciative b******s. he gave it everything he had and got hury and someof you are happy? that sickens me!




  1. people were happy when hitler died. there's no such thing as a universal tragedy, get over it.

  2. I Hope He Get's Better Soon

  3. yeah i know my sister is happy.

    they are risking there lives to entertain us.

  4. I think it's  c**p because I haven't heard anything about this just like the and believe this is just a work but if it ain't then I wish cena well. I may not be a fan of cean but atleast he's better then batista thats all I have to say.

  5. i gotta say i dislike "john cena" but im really sorry about john cenas injury if you get me!

  6. I agree too. "Sick, twisted, and demented" from RAW today describing Kane. Well, these people that are happy or are cheering because he's injured are sick in the head. You guys need to grow up and learn that doing that is irrevelant. It's so nice to see how kids these days are growing up and to see how they're turning out. Makes me sick. I hope you kids, or what you might address yourself as "highly mature adults" never reproduce again. I respect all of you Cena Fans, or Non-Cena fans because even though you don't like him, you respect what he's done/doing in the WWE and in general, and are willing to take some thumbs down from these kids.

  7. This is serious it could be career ending.

  8. I agree with you 100%, he puts his life on the line every week, and this is the respect he gets. I am more of a fan of Cena than HHH right now. Cena can actually accept a loose cleanly. People can hate Cena, but they should never want him to get injured. I'll pray for Cena.

  9. im with you man

    soemk people have no respect what so ever

    i mean we shoudl seriously respect every wrestler no matter who they are or what their gimmick is or if ther face or heel or if they suck or good on the mic

    doesnt matter

    bottom line is they put their bodies ont he line for who?

    US thats right

    for our entertainment these great men and women risk severe injury


  10. I think its childish to be happy about that. Hes not one of my favorites but then again i certainly dont take any pleasure in knowing that the guy is hurt.

    John Cena has done many good things for charity outside of the ring for childrens causes and for our soldiers fighting overseas.  people need to research this before they go spouting off at the mouth about being happy he got hurt.

    Those who dont like him in the ring, at least have some respect and dignity for what he has done outside of wrestling.

  11. I totally agree with you. Just because you don't like the guys work doesn't mean you should want him to get hurt. The people who cheered when Adamle said he needed surgery for a disc in his neck (I believe that's what it was)..are just plain stupid.

  12. well jsut a few stupid losers with no heart and brains! that's just sad! they need some serious help! i feel so bad for cena! i really hope he will get better soon! god bless him! and just ignore those idiots! let's STFU them  then do one of those hardy flying thing and then you and me and all the people with brian and heart will celebrate the absence of losers in this wrestling section! and this whole wrestling section would be much better. wrestling section would just SHINE without losers and idiots! i miss John Cena already!

  13. hecks yea i feel the the same way its angers me because  he puts his self through h**l to entertain a bunch of ungrateful people its one thing  to hate the guy because he wrestles but its demented, disturbed and demotic to make front of a serious injurie that he has, that is nothing to laugh at all and i don't care if i get thumbs down.

    Edit:cena compared to hitler Huh? hitler was a horrible man no one should be compared to him.

  14. i'm not happy that cena's injured. i'm just happy he's not being forced down our throats right now


  16. Omg i totally agree!!!!!Seeing these ppl putting that stuff down is really making me ppl are so careless so what you dont like what he do in thee wwe..1 hes doing his job..its vince and the wwe coming up with the stories NOT john...and 2 hes a human being just like you..If you met him in real life and talked to him as much as i did you would see..he loves his fans is such a nice,sweet guy i can go on and on ..WHY ARE PPL SO MEAN??..what if it was you or your fav wrestler then what would you say??

    Edit: WTF @ comparing john to hitler..i cant believe that hes no way like hitler..omg ppl are stupid

  17. I agree, people are cheering about this and celebrating about a WWE wrestler, who puts his body on the line for the fans, getting injured. Like you said, it makes me sick

  18. I Hope He Gets Better Im Not Happy Bout It

  19. I dont hope that his injury is bad or anything. RAW just shines without him!

  20. yeah thats true and without cena ratings go down  possibly raw gets canceled on tv (u never no)  

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