
Does anyone else think its time to stop alcohol on planes?

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This is the third story in a week




  1. No.

    This is the third story this week and how many have flown this week?

    If I was in a plane that had just lost part of it's exterior I would need a drink!

  2. The chances are that these people were drunk before boarding. If that is the case, the airline were perfectly within their rights to refuse them boarding. Blame the carrier, not alcohol.

  3. Yes.....if your going on a flight even long haul you should be able to manage without alcohol till you get to your destination.

    Like this story shows a whole plane load of passengers had to suffer because of two idiots.

    And for those who disagree what if it happened on your flight.

  4. no

    Btw everyone....

    ......I'm giving all the thumbs down

  5. A few drinks help you sleep on the boring ride.

  6. I do not agree. Flying is very boring and a few drinks makes the time pass more easily. Most people behave reasonably, even when drunk. I tend to find everything terribly funny and giggle like a teenage girl! That's harmless and I'm not alone in being harmless when drunk. I agree that there are some people who become abusive, disorderly and violent but why should the majority suffer because of the actions of these few?

    I would suggest that cabin crew should be given some of the training given to publicans to help them spot potential trouble makers and should be told strictly not to serve anyone who shows any sign of behaving badly.

  7. i dont think ba baracus would agree with you ..................i aint gettin on no plane, i aint getting on no plane.......................gimee some nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. yes. im going on holiday tomorro with my 2 young girls, and i'm actually quite worried about drunks on the plain. its only a 2 and a half hour flight, so i dont see why alcohol is necessary. we are travelling at night also which seems to be when this sort of thing happens most

  9. yh i agree wiv u its not 2 bad if somebody wants a stiff drink 2 settle there nerves but most people just drink 4 the sake of it then either act like idiots on the plane or abuse the staff  there only on the plane 4 a couple of hours if they cant manage without a drink 4 that long then they must have a real problem

  10. I don't know how I would fly without wine though! Seriously I am so scared, I take diazepam off the doctor, and still drink 3 of those mini bottles of wine, I have a red, a white and the sparkling too!

    I am rooted to the spot the whole time though, I don't cause trouble.

  11. No, its often the only reason i got through a flight. without it im scared to death.

  12. Well you can`t just open the door & sling out troublemakers on a plane, or maybe that`s a thought?

  13. I dont really mind, I drink red bull anyway because it...

  14. No, they were just jerks!

  15. No, most people are able to handle their alcohol, why punish everyone because of a few idiots? I'm with Stormy, I need a drink to calm my nerves when flying. If passengers are drunk beforehand then they should not be allowed to board the plane.

  16. Yes.

    The Uk is fast coming a shameful nation.

    crime-ridden & lacking self control.

    Why ply it duty free in the airport, sell it on the plane & wonder why it has the usual consequences?

    whoever thinks binge-drinking is restricted to UK high streets is deluding themselves.

    if they can & have banned smoking, the next step must be alcohol.

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