
Does anyone else think or feel?

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Does anyone else that regurely contributes anything of real value to the martial arts section sometimes feel like it is a r****d (excuse me Mentally challenged PC you know) convention with a few guards who actually have an idea of what is actually going on and can give halfway accurate and intelligent answers?




  1. No one will ever accuse me of being PC .I have earned the right by blood sweat and tears  to be outspoken and at times down right insulting. I do not suffer the presence of fools lightly.

    What I want to know is where in h**l are these peoples SENSEI GURU'S EXALTED GRAND MASTERS ETC ETC ETC that they have to come here to ask questions in the 1st place?It shouldn't be called an answer forum but a discussion forum and as they have nothing really to discuss they would dissapear.

  2. Now, don't start going all PC on us, would ruin your

    The problem with most of what I have read here (both questions AND answers) is that the people submitting them are basing their opinions on what they have "heard", rather than any true research done on their part. I, myself, have found that I have adjusted my thoughts and opinions in my time here at Y/A; while many of my answers are based on things I have actually experienced, others were intitally formed through casual observation, and after doing more research, I found that I may have been misinformed, or misinterpreted what I originally was exposed to. For example, while my martial arts background is not nearly as extensive (from a dedicated training point of view) than many of the legitimate top contributors in the MA forum, I felt that the exposure I have had was legitimate to allow me to at least offer a somewhat informed opinion. BUT, there have been instances where I have had to adjust my point of view, or concede an error in my thinking after reading another answer. Unfortunately, it would appear that those asking the inane questions and offering the idiotic, arrogant, and downright WRONG answers either have an inability to do research , and thereby think, on thier own, or are unable to concede when they may be incorrect. Either way, there is litle that can be done to sway them from that particular path.

    I look at it like this: a Leiutenant of mine once offered this pearl of wisdom when he was asked how he handled the stress of service in a combat zone with such aplomb: He said, "Bryan, it's like this: you can teach the uneducated, you can inform the ignorant, BUT, no matter how hard you try, you cannot fix STUPID". I have since added that "you can make as much fun of stupid as you want, but it will still, at the end of the day, be stupid."

  3. So how is this different from the dojo or real life?  Well, maybe people can hide their stupidity by discussing the weather and avoiding politics?

  4. Yes Katana I agree, but just like most things in life, you have to wade through the $hit to find the real gems. Way more then 50% of the questions asked hold no interest to me. I'm starting to enjoy the Bluto approach to answering. If you notice a lot of the time the real heart felt, well thought out answers get ignored. They don't want an answer, they just want their opinion verified. It's sad.

  5. No.

    Most of the questions I read seem to come from younger people who are searching for answers, or are exploring the world of Budo for the first time, or are on a white belt or kyu level asking basic questions (just like I did in the early '60s).

    The wise guys seem to be in the minority on this martial arts question forum, at least in my humble opinion.

  6. Lol @ Bluto... Love the steering comment, and it's such a true one. I've learned that from teaching myself. The couple of guys, kids through adults, seem to be just insecure and act out because of it. As long as I focus unwaveringly they tend to come around, and when they do, the people they influence tend to follow suit.

    Now, I see that there are more people asking asinine questions than those asking serious, thought-provoking ones. There are maybe 12 people (rough estimate) that I would consider to be honest and trustworthy givers of pearls of wisdom.

    As discussed in previous posts I agree with the idea that many of those asking questions don't want the honest answer. Instead they want somebody to confirm what they want to believe, and say that they are doing right. It's easy to see because those giving the real answers tend to get ridiculed or the "thumbs down". I for one don't care about the thumbs or aknowledgement for my answers. I know that what I give is sincere information, and researched to the best of my ability. That speaks for itself and I don't really car if some ignorant pri*k wants to be a keyboard toughguy, I just move on and try to help somebody ealse.

  7. I believe that I understand what you are saying, but I can't agree totally.

    Yes, there are too many of the same questions or questions that I shouldn't waste my time reading or answering. I assume and I know I shouldn't assume but I do that many of the people on here that ask questions or respond to these questions are juvenile. I do believe that some question are good or the asker is very serious. I do agree that that are too many on here that should never answer a question and only a few that regularly give good answers.

    Several people have hit on it already who are some of the best contributers like Judomofo and yourself.

    I for one like other are tire of how can I be invincible, which style is the best? That one is worst. Kimbo can beat every heavyweight. How can I be a ninja? Who would win Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee? I need to learn how to fight fast. Who can beat me?

    However, I do believe this forum has helped some people who really want answers. I do believe that even though it a a few good contributers they outweigh the many bad one and have helped many.

  8. Funny.  I see about a half dozen "regular contributors" that I respect, but yeah I agree.  The thing is, I want to try and do some good for the sport - give thoughtful opinions and hope that they at least get read.  

    My goal is to offer some counter-weight to the folks who think Kimbo is amazing, Bruce Lee is a phony (or a god), or that you can learn to fight in Yahoo Answers.

    Plus I like reading the opinions of Frank the Tank, judomofo, Bluto know the names.  Whether I agree with them or not, they at least shoot straight and put some thought into their answers (usually).  

    I get just at irritated by the questions as the answers, though.  How many times can people ask "Who would win?"  "Which is better - karate or kung fu?"  What I'd really like to see is a knowledge database with a list of top answers to the most commonly asked questions...

  9. As I have said in the past; I answer questions to the best of my ability. I must point out that I also answer questions "just for fun".

    I see a lot of answers that I think are completely off base and basically dumber than owl SH*T. I can't help the fact that many people think, if you watch Martial arts on T.V. you know what is what. The biggest problem that I have is that some people read the trash and think that its real. Oh well, I guess. If the people who really want to know, take the time to really find out, then they will know who is and isn't pulling their leg.

    Yeah its a circus and every right answer is either Muy Thai  or BJJ. About ten years ago it would have been Akido and about ten years before that it would have been Kung Fu and about ten years before that it would have been Karate...

    Whatever....I just have fun with it...

  10. Yes sometimes  you just have to be eduacated just enough to know the difference

  11. While I can see what you mean, and I sometimes feel that way, there's a point where the analogy breaks down a bit. Guards at a mental institution are all on the same side, with similar intentions. We, on the other hand, are not. Each answerer attempts to promote their own agenda and beliefs -- which is natural and to be expected. And while two members of 'the Y/A guard' may have mutual respect for one another, it is not uncommon for them to have diverging opinions on some topics.

    But that's definitely part of the charm of Y/A. As we all know, widespread agreement = monotony = boring = me playing pacman or solitaire instead. Also, I've learned some good stuff from people on here, and I've even modified my opinion/stance on some things because of them.

  12. Well not sure about the real value I contribute, but yeah there are some crazy *** answers here. It is funny how much the vocal minority is the majority of forums like these. It is almost like politics the polar opposites you see.

    You have people who either think that MMA will make you into the most effective fighting machine on the planet, or that it will make you totally worthless in a real fight.

    So many people screaming to the bizarre extremes... sometimes it is entertaining, sometimes it is down right exhausting because I feel like I am losing IQ point just by reading some answers lol.

  13. I agree with you guys. I too am tired of seeing the same questions over and over.  I liked the knowledge database that Tao mentioned. The only problem is the guys that ask these dumb questions would not take the time to see if it has already been answered. I see some newbes ask questions because they really want to know the answer and simply don't have a clue. Others just like to try to be as much of a pain as they can.  

    Sometimes it seems like a mental ward. but in the long run I have enjoyed reading the Q&A. I like to contribute as well.  I doubt that things will get much better. Anyway I appreciate the post many of you contribute.

  14. pretty much.

    but if you are going to help someone it pays to do so on a forum like this rather than sit there and giggle to yourselves about how stupid everyone else is amongst the people who know.

    if you can steer one "r****d" in the right direction then its worth it.  

    then you get the who would win questions that seem more like a retarded monkey banging on a keyboard- those people you can't help because I don't speak "monkey".

    EDIT: I put thought into ALL my answers, especially the ones involving bringing up girl-girl p**n and trying to figure out how to sneak a similar L*****n s*x comment into the MA section.

    EDIT2: the frustration with stupid questions is the reason why you get so many wise *** answers from me. if someone genuinely seems to be asking a question, IMO, then I'll answer it seriously with as many cheap shots at pop culture icons as i can stomach.

  15. I agree.  That's why I virtually never answer the "Who would win?" "Which is better - karate or kung fu?"  questions as I am also fed up with them.

    I also only answer questions that I am able to answer.  I agree that having a 'bank' of the more basic questions i.e. "Which is better - karate or kung fu?" etc is a good idea because they feature prominently on 'answers'.

    It is also true to say that there are also new-comers to the martial arts that ask the repetitive questions i.e  'which martial art for me.'  This is also a question that should be in the bank of F.A.Q.'s.

    As for the resident 'wise-guys', I have to agree with 'Bluto's' comments.

  16. I agree with you, but still it is understandable, because wisdoms and knowledge comes with age and experiences. A few years ago, there were a few things , i thought were not possible, but now that i have met a 9th degree grand master, i realized that there are still so much i do not know and so much to learn. That is why i try to keep an open mind.  What i believe today may be proven wrong tomorrow.

    As your statement is correct, most answers can only be regarded as opinions, still we must appreciate those who try to be helpful, because their heart are in the right places.

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