
Does anyone else think sarah palin is a bit..nuts?

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Yes Everard, i couldnt agree more...shes is utterly insane.




  1. Over-the-cliff insane. I await her response to questions about her involvement in the Alaskan separatist movement. It sounds like she's been a far, far right extremist all of her life.

  2. Say, she's the gal who didn't know what a VP stands for, right? I found it on YouTube.

  3. Actually Jazz.. I find her to be a wonderful woman of God. The reason so many view this woman as abnormal as you do . Is because corruption has become so wide spread. That which is corrupt and immoral and evil is being accepted as normal and good. And that which truly is normal is being seen as abnormal... The society has become twisted.. Sarah Palin is as normal as they come.. Hope this helped...God bless you !

  4. Just slightly odd...not nuts

  5. She's stark raving bonkers.

  6. She is scary.

    I'm telling you, the world is sitting on the edge of its seat wondering if y'all are gonna be crazy a third time.

    If the scary lady and the ancient one are elected and the ancient one dies, I won't be surprised if she takes us to another world war cos her invisible sky crapper told her to.

    Scary, scary, scary.


  7. Nutty enough to get on British news...interesting tactics by the republicans...get somebody controversial on side and get people gossipping to bring in the campaign money...

  8. YES!  I mean only a crazy person would oppose s*x ed even when her unwed, teenage daughter is preggers.

    I mean, that's just me.  But some republicans are saying that s*x ed has nothing to do with Palin's daughter and her pregnancy.

    I'm a little confused here?  Can someone tell me how these two are not related?

    EDIT: To Central NY Guy:  She's so moral and righteous and probably transmitted those values to her children.  That's why her unwed, teenage daughter is pregnant.  I'm agnostic and even I had the sense to not sleep around in high school.  Me and my other agnostic and atheist friends.  *shakes her head with concern*

  9. A bit? How about all the way nuts.

  10. Well she DOES believe in creation...

  11. I think she is a whole lot nuts.

  12. You should be scared, she shredded Obama tonight.

    An ad hominem attack from the liberals is expected.

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