
Does anyone else think that Dean Bailey's selection as head melbourne coach was a surprise?

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I thought it would be out of sheedy, mark riley, and connolly




  1. No because if he didnt sign with melbourne then essendon would have grabbed him - Dean bailey wanted to go to melbourne instead of essendon because believe me whoever essendon appoint will have big shoes to fill and will suffer with the "comparison" syndrome.

    Apparently he was NOT invited to apply for the position but he invited himself and blew them away. He has a very tactical football brain and having played AFL with essendon has alot of knowledge about the game. Melbourne needed a new direction and dean bailey brings with him alot of fresh ideas and maybe those champagne swilling, ski-loving demon supporters might actually start supporting the club rather than hit the ski slopes in winter, then again...

  2. I don't think it matters who coaches Melbourne!

    Anyway, they probably did the right thing in appointing Bailey - it is probably as toss-up between he & Ratten as to who is the lowest paid coach in the AFL.

    No way would Sheedy have been seriously considered. He's a has been & was sacked by Essendon. He now acts the part of a buffoon whenever there is a TV camera about - that explains him fairly well.

    Only Victorians, or Essendon supporters, sing his praise nowdays.

    No AFL club will offer him a senior coaching position.

  3. Dean Who?

  4. No i wasn't suprised.

    I think some of the coaches at the interviews hit the nail on the head when they said that the media really have no idea as to what is going on.

    We only thought it would be sheedy and co because their names and faces were all over the news papers and the tv.  I think a fresh start is always good for a club, and has proven successful with mark williams, bomber thomspson and more recently dean laidley and alastair clarkson.

  5. Yeah. Ive never even heard of that guy.

  6. It was a surprise to me .... but after what some of the panel said it sounds like a good choice.

    Nathan Bourke ex St. Kilda  said after the interview process     " I wish I could've played under him "

    Huge wraps from a great player


    I SO wanted Sheeds .... BUT as I wrote in another question ... Dean Bailey has had the benefit of being coached by Sheedy.

    Maybe the powers that be at the Dee's thought that sheedy was a little too long in the tooth but still recognised his skill by appointing somebody who has had sheedy's benefit.

    Go Dees in 2008.

    ( still ONE year with Sheedy would have been Brilliant)

  8. i do

  9. Definately a surprise, I thought Sheed's was the obvious choice.

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