
Does anyone else think that Demi's Get Back sounds like Miley's Star All Over?

by Guest66589  |  earlier

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I don't know if it's called Get Back, but it's the new video on Disney Channel. Anyone else think some parts sounda lot like Start All Over?




  1. No. Miley sucks, Demi doesn't. There's a difference.

  2. Dont say that :(

    even though i like the song (both songs)

  3. Not really, the beat kind of sounds like it. But not much.

  4. actually yeah, i've never thought of that

    it basically is about the same thing, but demi's is definitely better.

  5. Sorta kinda.  I think Demi's is a bit more rock while Miley's was more bugglemgum pop with a rock twist.  But i can see where you made that assumption.

  6. I don't get the resemblance but I can't stand Miley and at least Demi isn't naked...yet hopefully not I am running out of people my girls can listen to and I just bought camp rock.

  7. NO NO NO she doesnt soud anything like Miley shes not as nasally

  8. Whoa! I never noticed that before! Thanks for pointing it out to me!

    Anyways, yeah it kinda sounds the same, but i like "Get Back" better.


  9. Oh yea

  10. hmm now that i think about it...

    yea kinda

  11. wow i never even thought of that but it does.

  12. yep but they have there own styles. they both rock & r great singers!

  13. I don't think so. The beginning reminds me of Jonas Brothers- BB Good, though.

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