
Does anyone else think that Jamaica's Usain Bolt actions take away from his accomplishments?

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I find his mannerism ridiculous!




  1. ... actions take away from his accomplishments?

    what do you think?

    1. won gold

    2. broke record

    I'd say he's pretty accomplished despite his "actions"

    Give the man a break--people don't see the regular, conventional behavior and all of a sudden its a bad thing...

  2. His accomplishments are his accomplishments.  In the official record of Olympic results, it will state Usain Bolt was the 2008 Gold Medalist in the 100m dash and won the race in World Record time.  Nothing will be mentioned about how he behaved the last 15m of the race.

    I have the utmost respect for Bolt's accomplishments.  But that doesn't mean I also must respect his maturity level and sportsmanship.

  3. He has the maturity level of a 13 year old.

    But I guess some people find that appealing< I dont.

  4. totally. instead of cheering for the guy i now want to see him eat it

  5. No way, he's happy and celebrating! We Jamaicans do things our way. Way to go Bolt!!!!

  6. yeah, he is ego is bigger than the enire city of beijing

  7. it add to it in my mind to see him celebrating and still burning the other racers is impressive

  8. How often does a spotlight targeted on an athlete? I agreed that his mannerism is ridiculous, but it is all in good show. Let him enjoy his glow of the moment.

  9. it's just his way of showing is happiness he has always been like this and it's a part of his personality

  10. NAHHHHH hes sure A WHOLE LOT MORE PEOPLE WATCH TRACK NOW. while some people see it as showboating some see it as humour and i doubt anything at all can take away from that magnificent performance

  11. I am sure if he was American you wouldn't have made such a comment. Did you see Maurice Greene at the Olympics 2000 and 2004? That's exactly what I thought about him but I have come to realize that YOU HAVE TO ENJOY IT WHILE IT LASTS!!! You never know what 4 years from now is going to be like. Every 4 years there is someone else who is faster.  Remember he also just turned 22. Hopefully the next 4 years he will be more mature.

    This is his moment!! He worked hard for it!! Just let him be and be happy for him!!!

  12. No need for him to be a role model.  He is having fun with his 15 min of fame. I dont thinks that should be a big deal.

  13. He's just broken the world record in 100m and 200m and could practically have walked the last 5m and still have won, so if he wants to act in a ridiculous manner then let him, i think he deserves to and in no way does it "take away from his accomplishments."

    It sounds to me like someone is a bit bitter that he won (again...).

  14. i agree. he is obviously not mature enough to handle the olympics. he went against what the olympics is all about.  

  15. Not really, but he is acting like a 11 year old.  He is behaving better.  Just wait for London 2012, when he gets practice to prefect his technique.

  16. No !  In no way does it detract from the fact that he is now the fastest 200 metre runner on Earth, he will undoubtedly take the 100 metre record apart next, and continue to break both records for some time to come and it is extremely likely that it will be many, many, years before anyone else comes even close to breaking them, Michael Johnson's record stood for 12 years, Usain Bolt is entitled to behave as he wishes after his fantastic achievement and it is after all also his birthday today !

  17. I think he earned it imagine the stress that he was under and at least he hasn't got sunglasses on and thinks he is movie star like some of the other runners  I find that ridiculous.

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