
Does anyone else think that Russia is going to try to protect 'interests' in other old soviet countries, also?

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Just wondering if this invasion of Georgia is the start of something bigger...




  1. Putin is attempting to recreate the old Empire of the former Soviet Union.

    Putin's attack on the Soverign Nation of Georgia is very similar to Hitler's attack on the Sudetenland which was part of the Sovereign Nation formerly knlwn as Czechoslovakia.

    Hitler said that he was attacking the Sudetenland to protect German Citizens of the Sudetenland.

    That sounds very similar to Putin's argument that he is attacking South Ossetia, which is part of the Sovereign Nation of Georgia, to protect Russian Citizens in South Ossetia.

  2. It looks to me like Russia is bringing freedom to those poor people in Georgia...

  3. Hopefully Russia will protect all the peoples on her border and help free them from tyrannical governments like that of Georgia  

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