
Does anyone else think that Russia is trying to start another world war?

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I recently read an article on the violence in Georgia and I am simply appalled. Russia says that they call the shots in Eastern Europe, and that the former Soviet Bloc has to listen to them. With the war in Georgia sprouting out of control and with Russia deliberately killing off civilians, and tearing the country apart, many former Soviet Bloc nations are banning together and are speaking out against the violence and are at the defense of Saakashvili, including Poland, Lithuania, the Ukraine, etc. Many see Russia as trying to reassert its power over the former Soviet States, and control all oil exports in Europe, and are worried given the fact that Georgia is home to the only oil pipeline in the former Soviet Union that bypasses Russia. Do you think the current conflict is MORE than just Georgia, and the region of South Ossetia? Do you think Russia is seeking an opportunity to reinstate the former Soviet Union and is trying to have absolute control over oil in the region? While I think that either of these things actually happening are slim. I personally think they are attempting something Greater than Georgia and are just dieing to start an even greater war, do you feel the same way?




  1. No! I think mccain is trying to start another war. He needs to realize there are other solutions to a problem other than the military.

  2. I have no doubt of that. In addition the Georgia, Russia has done other things to become increasingly aggressive.

    The have flown bomber missions near the US and UK

    They claim to have an ICBM that will defeat the missile defense system in Europe

    They have claimed the North Pole

    And of course Putin is seeming more and more like a dictator than a democratically elected leader.

  3. Nicely put, Golden Girl! Your shining blondeness is clearly a cunning decoy!

    Certainly, Russia won't need to go it alone. One word, BRICS (Sri Lanka included). If Russia seizes the Arctic territory she's so clearly intent on possessing, and they have the alliance of three of the most populous, productive and fastest-rising world powers, war won't even be a necessity. We'll have to negotiate. On Russia's terms.

  4. The president of Georgia has violated human  rights and is pro American because he wants to join NATO and step on anybody he can in the process. Prime Minister Putin  has every right to do what he is doing to protect Russian interests. Like it or not Russia is not the aggressor. The president of Georgia is little better than Slobadon Malenkovich. He is trying to pull the US into an all out conflict with Russia to meet his on little tin badge agenda. Russia is a powerful country that has peaceful intentions but will not allow tin horn dictators put in place by the US to carry on like that. This little conflict has been festering for many years and the Russians have used quite a bit of patience. When Georgia attached the province of South Ossetia they attacked the population killing old people and babys.That was not a good idea. Now Georgia is being spanked by Russian forces. Any bombing that was done after A cease fire was declared today is simply being done as a direct result of the Russians plan to stamp out any resistance whatsoever. While it may seem a bit over the top that a nation such as Russia should attack a small country like Georgia, the truth of the matter is Russia will not allow the US to muscle into Georgia and Ukraine by allowing them to join NATO. Maybe instead of stepping on toes and not minding his own business President Bush could invite Russia to join NATO.

  5. Putin is showing the world that he isn't afraid of the West (US and its allies). They do have power over Europe because they control 40% of the oil that the Europeans get. Putin IS trying to recreate the USSR. Russia is one of the richest countries in the world. They think they can do whatever they want, and China will support them if the US gets involved. Although, if China took action against the US, there would probably be an uprising and a Chinese Revolution.

    But NO! Russia is only showing its power the real threat is IRAN!

  6. Yes, and to the person above me..Russia will not be alone. China will back them up the second the US or NATO gets involved. And then Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea will jump in behind them.  

  7. Russia, the former Soviet Union is run by hard liner ex KGB officials.

    They have made comments in the past that they would like to bring back the Soviet ways with the old Soviet states.

    It's not that they are trying to start any world to speak..they just know that the international outcry will go no further than resolutions and condemnations.

    Most likely the only reason the world will stand idly by is because they have nukes and most likely will use them to defend themselves.

  8. Russia is the peacekeeper

  9. No Russia only wants to slap the US in the face to show them who's boss in the Russian part of the world.

  10. Russia could in theory start a world war right now, is it in their best interests? NO! Russia is one of the few countries in the world that's population is DECREASING. A war would decimate their population and leave a hefty handicap on it. Also, the U.S. has itself in a better position diplomatically and militarily. Much of it's force in Iraq, NATO. h**l, Georgia as a staging ground. But currently it's in everyones best interests to stick out of a war. Gas needs to settle and the economy needs to stabilize. Every nations economies. and if Russia started something we would send in Team America : World Police duh.

  11. You need to read some more about the situation.


  13. not a world war because they would have the whole world against them.  Russia is all by themselves on this one..../

  14. Russia doesn't want to start the war, they won't do it

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