
Does anyone else think that TNT race coverage is like a 4 hour commerciall with a few race breaks thrown in?

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I swear TNT shows 2 laps of racing, followed by 5 minutes or more of commercials. And 90% of their commercials are for promoting their own programming. After the first 15 times we see the Saving Grace promo, we've pretty much gotten it. I wish TNT would quit carrying NASCAR because with the exception of Kyle Petty in the booth, the coverage is the worst in the world




  1. I couldn't agree more. Aaaaarrrrrghghghghhh!

  2. The whole entire pre race and race on TNT is so boring. I also get sick and tired of seeing promos for shows that i don't even watch time after time after time. How many more races does TNT cover because i don't think I can take any more!

  3. TOO many commercials and the pre-race show is c**p! If they want to go through the history of the sport do it on ESPN on a show dedicated to that. I want to see racin and drivers not a history lesson!

  4. I was watching a commercial and a race broke out!

  5. it's like ' lets throw a little bit of racing in with the commercials".  

    But if you like to run to the kitchen for a snack and not miss any of the race coverage, TNT is the coverage to watch.  you could make a whole dinner for eight.

  6. nice to see so many others feel the same was very annoying to watch 3 laps of racing and then see 20 minutes of commericals every 1/2 hour...

  7. I agree. There are way too many commercial breaks. But for now TNT is the only way we can watch the races right now. Plus they have Race Buddy, which is pretty cool.  I've just learned to be patient with the commercial breaks. Not much we can do about it :) I do miss FOX though.

    Edit: I agree, bestanswer, they come back and it's like...what happened....?

  8. i think so to. at least tnt only has to cover a few more races. i liked fox with its gopher cam

  9. TNT=Totally Not Tolerable.

    Their coverage is HORRID!!!

    The announcers are babbling idiots/goobers.

    Thank god there are only a few more races on that channel

  10. well yesterday was pretty bad because of the track more so but usually they are good usually it is 3 hour race with a 1 hour commercial

  11. commercials in NASCAR is stupid, howabout only during cautions, we already got 43 sponsors drivin round a track, and when they cut to commercial, u miss a huge crash, a lead change, imeen cant they atleast do what IRL does, and during comercial, still show some of the race

    and i miss fox

  12. I don't have a single thing to add or subtract!

    And as much as it sort of fits to have Bill Engvall on a car, I wasn't fond of that, either.  Seriously, it makes me want to avoid all their shows, not watch any of them!

  13. I agree 100%! I can't stand watching TNT because everytime the come back from a commerical...they say..Lets take another commercal break

    So when they cover the race why bother to watch?

    GO Smoke♥

    Tony Stewart all the way

  14. No. For the hundreth time the commercial time is basically the same no matter what Station the race is on.  

    GO read and learn.

  15. I agree. Except for Kyle Petty, we are better off with FOX.

  16. I agree with you. I liked it better on FOX. I think the commentators are a lot better too. They all either have driven experience, or crew chief experience. The one commentator yesterday i have never seen before. Kyle petty is the exception like you said. I wish they would do like the Indy 500 and have a small corner of the screen with the race when it's on commercials. But yeah, i agree with you. I am not a fan of TNT races

  17. Yeah..I miss FOX..


    Kyle Petty drives me INSANE..please Kyle, please stick to driving!!

    The ONLY thing I like about TNT is Wally..they should get rid of Larry at FOX and add Wally..

  18. I think that you are right.. i mean OMG i get soo tired of all the commericals and even more tired tht all of them are the same ones they just keep playing over and over again!like the saving grace showed that one like 50 times!thank god tnt only have a few races...then we go back to FOX and the gopher cam!GO DIGGER!LOL

  19. yes!!...TNT sucks!!!

  20. I was watching something else on another network. Every time I switched to TNT there was a commercial (5 times). I agree with you but I do like Kyle Petty.

  21. I agree, I just thought FOX was bad.  But, Kyle Petty is my favorite on air commentator.  I would rather listen to him than DW or Rusty any day, espically Rusty.

  22. I agree with one exception. They don't have Rusty repeating the same inane c**p race after race after race after race after race..... As I said previously, I'm gonna stick an icepick in one ear and out the other. So in my opinion TNT is second on the c**p list. Fortunately, I have a dvr on my sattelite so I usually wait for about an hour before actually watching the race so I can fast fwd. through the commercials. I know Rusty teaches less knowledgeable fans some good stuff but if they don't get it by the 10th time then please, in the name of all that is holy, GIVE IT A REST. Uh oh. I gotta go. My ears are bleeding again. I'm gonna sue somebody! LOL Peace.

  23. What I want to know, if they can hold the Daytona race with no commercials, why can't they do that for every race?

  24. I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They would show two laps, go to commercial for three laps.  I agree that Kyle Petty is the only good part of their coverage.  I was happy to see Tony take a chunk out of that interviewer's rear end.

  25. I miss the fox crew. We need them year round.

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