
Does anyone else think that airbrushing models should be illegal?!?

by  |  earlier

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It makes me SO mad!!! Has anyone ever watched a video about how MUCH editting they do?! Here, look at this video...

Even the models aren't naturally beautiful like that! So the magazines send this message that these hot, s**y girls are what we are "supposed" to look like when THEY don't even look that good! I think I'm pretty attractive and these adds still bother me! Who else thinks they should start showing REAL women! I don't wanna hear this message ANY MORE that if we don't look like those made up, computer generated models we are not beautiful! We are, it is so wrong... does anyone else agree or have more thoughts on the matter?




  1. i totally agree that airbrushing should either be made illegal or at the very least, as someone suggested earlier point out in adverts that they are enhanced images. i do not think that "some teenage girls petty self esteem issues" is the right attitude. this is a serious issue that can result in serious illnesses, and i think it is wrong that media and fashion feed into this, knowing the harm it can cause. when people need treatment for illnesses such as anorexia and other eating disorders, who's going to be paying the bills? in the uk its taxes so through the NHS, surely then this has an impact on society, when something as little as writing at the bottom of an advert may just be something that brings back home to younger people that its not a true image, and that actually no-one is perfect.

  2. i agreeeee.

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