
Does anyone else think that boy sleepovers are weird?

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do u and if there is a guy answering this what do they talk about my guyfriend sayz they only talk about c**p like pokemon cards and stuff is he right?




  1. There not wierd my little bro has them all the time and his 16 they talk about games and there crushes its quite funny :)

  2. not really all they really do is play video games..

    they just pull an all nighter  

  3. Boys have sleepovers all the time, but I think they call it something different.   It is very common for boys to talk about pokemon cards and the girls they have crushes on and what they have done without the parents knowing about it, and also about that big fish that got away.      It is all apart of growing up and enjoying their youth!     Don't you wish you were still that young?

  4. no they only talk about pokemon cards if there like 7 but once you hit teenage it kicks ***

  5. i dun think its weird.

  6. Okay a boy at a sleepover with girls is extremely weird.But if it with some of t=his other guy friends then yeah its okay simply because I guess all guys are like that. But if you are asking if your guy-friend should come to your sleepover I would say no.  

  7. I'm 13 years old and me and my friends have friends sleep over. It's not weird or g*y or anything. We're just normal teenagers. I don't know how old you are but unless you are 8 years old, I don't think the boys will be talking about pokemon... When a friend sleeps over we talk about girls (mostly the hot ones =D), play rock band and guitar hero, go in the pool if there is one, play pool, play manhunt if they are a lot of kids sometimes make prank calls, and watch funny movies and t.v. shows. Well maybe your guy friend is just talking about himself. Not everyone is the same.

  8. girls and s*x!!!

  9. they talk about s*x and girls.



    partying or video games or w/e they do for fun.

  10. well my guy friend told me recently dat he used 2 have sleepovers wen he was like 16 i thought it was hilarious but he told me dat dey used 2 stay out in the backyard and play games like frisbee n stuff like dat. or do stunts lol. well yea dey never rlly went 2 sleep it's kinda like a guys night out but all night long. n no i don't rlly think its weird, srry. unless they rlly go 2 SLEEP @ ea. oders house.

  11. They probably talk about sports, maybe their crushes?, and their favourite things. Its like an all day and night hang out. for girls its different but girl sleepovers are way better ;) (although i never been to one or had one :( )

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