
Does anyone else think that getting rid of the post boards was stupid?

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I mean, sure, there were trolls, but there was some good discussion too, and getting rid of the boards just because there were trolls seems like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.




  1. wish i knew what u were talkin bout.

  2. Yes. I think it was Al Gore's idea.

  3. The ratio of intelligent, considered posts against mindless bigotry (liberal and conservative) and sick stuff was around 1:10,000

    Yahoo is a corporation just like any other. I wondered for at least the last 3 years how a regular corporation could withstand facilitating a service where there was so much sick stuff.

    I feel sad for the very small number of people who used to post interesting, thoughtful stuff. When I heard they were closing the boards, I must admit I felt happy that all the haters would wake up and find their puke fest was cancelled. I'll bet some of them really lost it. There have probably been murders and wife/kid beatings because of it.

  4. Wolf I know exactly what you are saying. until Yahoo makes up their minds you can either go to

  5. I think one of the reasons why they were shut down was because of all the immature BS, swearing, insults, and outright libelous lies that the Republicans were telling - for example - George Bush is the Greatest President we ever had!!!!!!!!


  6. I've been on  those boards for about three years myself. I miss them already, but to be honest, I thought the trolling was getting really outta hand. And I agree, people shouldn't be punished. They should have had there new layout all ready to go today. I don't think they willl be down that long, but it will be interesting to see the new format. I don't see how they can get rid of trolls no matter what they come up with.

  7. Yes...........the boards were great with the trolls.

    If one didn't have a sense of humor, one could have easily used the IGNORE button.

    One good thing from this.........US Production will most likely see an increase due to the absence of Yahoo's US Message Boards.

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