
Does anyone else think that global warming simply doesn't fit the facts ? After all.....

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no warming has occured for 10 years. The great globel warming swindle high-lighted so many holes in the global warming theory....I'm afraid I just don't buy it. I like to hear other peoples views.




  1. I believe it is an organized scam to scare people into accepting higher taxes and more control over peoples lives. It is the height of arrogance to think humans can destroy an entire planet by burning hydrocarbons.

    I did not say humans dont have an impact,  even though man made global warming is a scam the fear of it has been responsible for real hardships on people like high fuel  and food prices. Yes the impact of the false religion of GW is real.

  2. Global Warming is indeed happening.  

    The causes are heavily disputed and many people claim they know for a fact the reasons...

    Now, I have been a Meteorologist for little more than 2 decades, and while I can attest that yes it is happening, I can not attribute it to one factor.  Nor will I attempt to.

    Now...a point to ponder.  Some scientist claim that the planet mars is warming about half a degree C a decade, for the last 4 decades...other scientists claim that earth is warming at about the same rate.  To the best of my knowledge, the 2 share one thing is common...that huge reactor in the sky.

    Another point to ponder...IF (note the big letters) the proverbial global warming the coming of the next ice age is caused by the burning of burnign of fossil fuels...WHO...was driving the SUV's that brought on the last several ice ages?  If that can not be answered, then there MUST be another explanation.

  3. Dude....did you see the movie Al Gore did>?   Watch that!!!!!

  4. but it is true there are so many avalanche occurin in this year but what i think is the wrong is the one who is telling us to stop great cause this global warming like rich peolpe

  5. It's simply a trend.  Do you really think that Paris hilton cares whether she's "green" or not?  Nope.  People will believe anything.  And its a great opportunity to advertize it through apparel, bags, home products, ect.  Don't be so quick to believe the hype.

  6. Where on earth did you get the idea that no warming has occurred for 10 years? This is completely untrue. Warming is accelerating and has done so continually over the last decade.

    Channel 4 were severely reprimanded for the programme you refer to - it was done by a known anti-global warming activist and contained a whole load of untruths.

  7. Wow, I love how so few people who have an opinion on global warming actually have a scientific background.

    I am a lowly summer intern at the National Center of Atmospheric Research, but I do know my science. The Houghton book that a previous respondent mentioned is a great first-look. A better analysis is available in the last IPCC report.

    This is what I can tell you with certainty: Temperatures have been increasing in most locations, but particularly in the high latitudes. No, the increases can hardly be expected to be linear. Note that the phrase "global warming" isn't really used by climate scientists due to its ambiguity. We prefer to say "global climate change" because there is so much more going on than just temperature increases.

    I work with the IPCC Biogeochemistry working group, so I'm mostly looking at how the biosphere is changing. We never start with the assumption of climate change, by the way. That said, all the trends since 1970 are consistent with what we know about "global warming".

    Also, for you people who love to say the models are totally bogus- each time a model is revised, there are so many researchers who independently evaluate its ability that by the time it goes into use, we're pretty d**n sure where the biases are and can account for them in our analyses. The evaluation is always done with observational data, and is a crucial part of model development.

    Go read a few papers, read the 2007 IPCC report (and recognize that we've already exceeded the so-called worst case emissions scenario), read the Houghton book, and maybe get a PhD in atmospheric science before you make uneducated statements. Go to I'm sure anybody there will be happy to answer your questions by email.  

  8. FOR human global warming being real and significant:

    John Houghton, Professor of Atmospheric sciences, Oxford : book, "Global Warming"

    David King, Professor of Chemistry, Cambridge, book, "The hot topic"

    An enormous majority of climate scientists.

    AGAINST: Rush Limbaugh, Exxon Mobil, and (at least until recently) George W Bush. Who would YOU believe?

  9. "The Great Global Warming Swindle" was recently condemned by Of-Com for basically misleading the public. Some of the graphs listed temperatures in the 1900s as present day.

    The easiest way to generate electricity in poor and rural parts of Africa is using solar panels. There is no way the west can stop them burning oil or coal anyway.

  10. Al Gore is a douche who won the Nobel prize for his fake research over a holacaust hero who saved like 2000 Jewish kids from death

  11. It's like this. . . .I'm British and a natural born sceptic and to add to this, I'm also a Londoner - a street wise kid who grew up during the London Blitz.

    Global Warming is Not happening people.

    Lifelong unbeliever and heretic.

  12. I work in the aerospace business and build the instruments that are mounted on weather satellites.  Our instrument show scientifically that the earth is indeed warming up.  We have been building and launching weather instruments for forty years and the data is archived by NASA and NOAA.  You can debate the causes all you want, but the facts are that global warming is real.

  13. What do you define as no warming? All it takes is one or two degrees of warming to cause huge changes for the Earth. Also keep in mind that this is GLOBAL warming. While it may actually be getting colder where you live, what matters is that the average across the globe is rising.

    My view is that even if global warming isn't happening, what harm are we doing by increasing efficiency and polluting less. Efforts to battle global warming will also have benefits elsewhere.

    EDIT: Swampy - I think it's naive to think that humans DON'T have an impact on the world with what we do.

  14. Even today most global warming websites show temperature data through 2004. Since 2004, average temperatures have not been increasing. The winter of 2007-2008 was one of the coldest on record. The global warming alarmists, like Al Gore, have a lot of money invested in global warming "solutions." They know that the public is catching on, so they are feverishly trying to push legislation while there are still people out there who buy their story. The planet is not burning up but their theory is.

  15. ps just read the link 2 'Dr' Noah Robinson. The grafs r a trave4sty, ofn with abscissae missing to indic8 scale and the author totally omits te effect of timelag on any feedbak system. (The actual raw data are in temselves incorrect)

    At the end he erroneously states that increased temp and C02  can only lead to increased plant growth and human nutrition..this is only partialy true of C3 Plants (Ok wheat,cabbage,spuds etc) but totaly injurious 2 C4 Pants like Rice, Sorghum (certain types of grain like couscous) and a succulent plants.

    I suggest you thoroughly research ur subject, chek ur sources and spend a few years studying math and science b4 going on here  and pontific8ing like the rest of the cretins that 'replied' BTW the sp errors are deliber8! I use the demotic form when addressing untermensch..its the only lingua franca that  inferiors can comprehend

  16. how many centuries old glaciers have to melt ,how many Rhode island size chunks of ice have to break off Antarctica ,when we have regular shipping through the north sea will you nay say then? beaches around the great lakes open when they would ordinarily be frozen.and when all the ice finally melts how hot will it get then?take another look.....tom

  17. I totally agree with you but the problem is it is a a good way for the politicians to score points it makes them look good

  18. ask the same question to you children in 10 years time!

  19. Yes, global warming is cyclical and a perfectly natural phenemenon.

  20. Yes warming has occured in the last 10 years. WHere you are may not appear warmer but globally temperatures are on the increase. Channel 4 was forced to apologize for showing a biased view of global warming and attributing false statements to leading experts and were themselves decryed by the international panel on climate change for spouting inaccurate material.

  21. Building satellites and knowing and understanding weather dynamics are two different things indi. I have not seen any information supporting Man made global warming, the truth is that it is a climate shift that naturally occurs. Did you know the first studies of the matter when they took the temperatures were taken at 4 feet were inconclusive so they lowered the observation level to 2 feet. However, standard level of which a regular meteorological observation is 6 feet. The funny part is that as the sun shines the air dose not get warmer cuz of the sun but the heat being re-radiated by the object it is hitting through a process called conduction. have you ever gotten close the the pavement on a summer day? its hotter closer to the cement is it not? But that does not mean that we don't need to stop polluting it is messing things up but other than that no it dose not exist. Its a manipulation of data for the benefit of certain groups to scare people into doing what they want. Environmentalists do it for the right reasons but most of them also believe in it and well Al Gore invented the Internet so ....... yeah ....... o....k... we should all trust him.

    Its is very arrogant to think that we have an effect on climate on a global scale, but it takes a wise person to know they are causing a incredibly large amount of damage.

  22. I believe that global warming might well be occuring, just like the ice age happened and then the earth warmed up again.  Over the centuries, the earths temperatures have ebbed and changed, hence no dino's, receding glaciers, etc.  Lots of mountains and plains caused by glacial movement and that happened a LONG time ago, so yeah we are in a global warming but it started long before cars and factories.  I do believe it wouldn't hurt to clean up after ourselves, in any case.

  23. It is a global conspiracy to control the masses. Remember the iron crtain and the Russian hordes in the east ready to nuke the west into oblivion! Down went the wall, no Russian hordes! It is all about control, when global warming is disproved wht will be next, Alien invasion no doubt!

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