
Does anyone else think that it is ironic that liberals are super anti-war yet stage violent protests?

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seriously.They hurt people and property .do they even know what they are doing or just acting out like children who can't get their way?




  1. first, anarchists are not liberals. second, why are you generalizing?  Maybe you should do a little more studying before you take a test.

  2. I think whenever you label yourself something- liberal, conservative, etc., you're just setting yourself up for failure.

  3. First off "anarchists" are the ones who went violent with their protests...

    Anarchists by nature wouldn't belong to either political party...

    The others protested "outside of a marked area" and were ordered to disperse...

    Yes, I know they do this during DNC rallies too and I asked the same question then...

    IS this AMERICA or DemoRepublica?  

  4. Uh, most of their protests are not and do not intend to be violent. It's true that crowds of any kind can occasionally get out of hand. But this is still no reason to take away our constitutional right to gather and protest - even if Bush and Cheney think it is.

    I think it's ironic that people who claim to want to "save babies' lives" murder abortion doctors and raise kids that shoot up their schools.

  5. if it wasn't for violent protest where would our country be??? Boston Tea Party...Vietnam and civil rights protests, women's suffrage  many of the amendments to the constitution were because of protest..h**l we may still be under English rule and saying God Save the Queen

  6. Those protesters are anarchists.

  7. If you're talking about the violent protests at the RNC, they were caused by anarchists.  They hate BOTH parties.  The vast majority of the protests have been very peaceful.  I live in St. Paul though and the St. Paul police are a bit out of control.  I saw security more than a mile from downtown yesterday screaming at pedestrians.

  8. I find it just as ironic as the anti-choice conservatives that claim to care for the unborn, when they turn around and "support" wars that murder innocent men, women and children (while the conservatives hide at home).

  9. I find it hypocritical that protesters who are supposedly arguing that their freedom of speech entitles them to prevent people from speaking at a convention. Those arrested and those who were violent were trying to prevent people from getting to the convention.  How does preventing one side from speaking support the freedom of speech that these protesters claim to cherish?

    I have no problem with people protesting, but when you try to prevent someone else from speaking, you have gone too far.

  10. You're wrong.  The protestors are lawful and peaceful.  It is the cops, who are armed to the teeth in weapons and armor, and the agent provocateurs who work for them who see this as some sort of game, and it is they who are lusting after and escalating the violence.

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