
Does anyone else think that journalists are the scum of the earth?

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most (not all) of them would sooner destroy a persons life than tell the truth. they take everything that is said out of context. They are stalkers. they are just....eeeeeugh!

sorry, I was reading this story about a womans body being found dead in a river, however, the reporter seems to be more concerned with the fact that the actress from "wonder woman" found her. surely the dead woman is more important that who discovered her??

I'm always reading stuff like this and it sickens me. Even with the earthquake in China, I read an article that seemed to be more concerned with the Olympics venue than the death toll and devastation.

Don't even get me started on magazines like "hello" and tabloids like "the sun".

seriously, any one else hate journalists as much as me? (though my ex is a journalist so maybe I am a little




  1. Journalists are pretty low down - they can walk under a snake without tickling his belly

    but solicitors are lower still - living off the hardship of others

    then there's estate agents....

  2. They seem to be more interested in a wow factor rather than the real events, its all down to sales these days, shame as integrity and values have gone out of the window.

  3. Grumpy, If you think that a journalist wants to write about that c**p your wrong. They strive for credibility. Only this way can they accomplish early goals for respect.

    No writers no truth. The govt lies all the time. I repeat "the govt lies all the time." Who else is going to uncover these faults and tell the public? Think Grumpy.

  4. It's the good, the bad and the muckrakers. Takes all kinds of people to be journalists. And some have been noble in their search for the "truth" behind the big stories and have exposed some major wrong doings in the past.

      But most tend to conform to the types of stories editors think will "make it" for the readers. So over time what becomes "popular" is a reflection of society.

    Today the cult of celebrity and the "non"news story seem to be on the front page.

    Our family no longer subscribes to the newspapers and don't watch TV so these issues don't bother us. We get the news and are better informed by the internet.

    Maybe that's your solution as well?

  5. Tho' i understand what you speak of, i do think its the the kind of journalism that should be targeted. Tabloids are the culprits that prey on sensationalism & witchhunts. Thankfully, there are still a few good upright newspapers & uphold good journalism.

  6. No I don't. But I think newspaper owners are.

    Most journos can't go freelance cos the pay is p**s poor. So you get employed by a newspaper where there is no such thing as 'independent copy'.

    They really are told what to write. If they are guilty of anything it is selling their soul to the devil.

  7. I think most of it is dumb don't even know why ppl read that stuff all the time

  8. Although I agree with you wholeheartedly that journalists can sometimes be the most despicable people on earth, with the whole destroying of people's lives just to get a good story, I believe that society as a whole is to blame. Let's face the facts and cut the c**p, if you read a story about a woman who was found dead in the river, you might think that is sad for a second, but you would forget about it very fast. But American society is so drugged up on drama and action that no one would give a rats ***, except that the woman who played Wonder Woman found her. I mean do you think that if that didn't happen that the story would have even spread beyond the local community? Individuals in a society are smart and compassionate, but the society as a whole is uncaring and violent. To quote a line from Men in Black, "Individuals are smart(I can't remember what he uses might be individuals), people are stupid." Journalists only write stories that they know people are going to read. No one likes to write things that they know will just be glanced over and never thought of again.

  9. I'm love/hate on the hole issue.

    Some of the underhanded c**p like you just stated is really sickening.

    But then there are the cases where good journalists expose corporate corruption or corrupt politicians.

    The good and the bad I guess.

    If it helps, I'll call your ex a mean meanie if you like.....I'm sorry for the profanity. ;)

  10. shhhh let's hate them a little more quieter...

    but you're right. they all suck!!!

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