
Does anyone else think that mandatory elementary school supply purchase lists have just got ridiculous?

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Our state added a lottery about 15 years ago. Teachers claim that their salaries haven't went up.

So WHY are schools claiming they need things on this list? I don't remember having any of these things when I was in elementary school and I also don't remember ever feeling like we didn't have everything that we needed.

The things on my children's school supply list is bordering on the ridiculous.

I can't ever remember having Kleenex in school. You just used paper towels. We didn't use hand sanitizer...we washed our hands. You brought your OWN crayons, pencils, scissors, etc. If you lost it, ran out of it, throughout the year, you told your mother and she got you some more.

I also know darn good and well not every parent is bringing everything on these lists. I can well afford to...but at the same time...I don't think we should foot the bill for the other parents.

I have no problems buying for my own child, but I don't think everything needs to be purchased at the beginning of the year.

I also SERIOUSLY question whether all of these things are even being used in the classroom.

What does everyone else think?




  1. i dont really think the school can tell you you have to give them something education is free and not everyone is able to contribute and i remember my mom getting stuff for my class that were never even used. its wack.

  2. I know for a fact that some of these items are being collected either for teacher use or to redistributed to other children whos parents didn't get them what they need. Two years ago the teacher collected all the "extra" notebooks, folders, etc. and gave them to other students. I put my son's name on all his stuff and a little girl told him "hey my folder has your name in it". Last year I sent my son with just a few items and he told the teacher "my mom wants me to keep my supplies" and she didn't take his, but she took the other kids.

    My son's supply list this year wanted 10 folders and 10 spiral notebooks ( I don't even think there is that many subjects taught) along with computer disks, dry erase markers, post it notes. Some want hand sanitizer, bandaids, ziploc bags, plastic cups, and other unneccisary items.

    If the child needs a bandaid, there's the school nurse.

    Waterfountains don't require cups.

    And the children can wash their hands in the bathroom. Some classrooms even have sinks in them.

    I'm sorry but we buy for our kids, if teachers need supplies, they can buy for themselves or the school can provide it. And if a student truly needs a specific supply, then a note needs to be sent home to that student's parents.

    I have 3 kids to buy for and excessive lists can get expensive.

    I won't buy these excessive items. I get the basics and if they need something I will get it for them. It's bad enough schools get enough out of parents through tax dollars, numerous fund raisers, and what ever else they can do to bring money in. We shouldn't have to give them more.

  3. aha i think so too!

    i remember always having to bring kleenex in though. everyone in the class brought a box at the beginning of the year and we ran out around


    and i also never understood the reason for buying two pairs of shoes either. my schools were always strict about 'in door' and 'outdoor' shoes. i never gave a **** though. i just had one pair cus i didn't feel like taking my shoes off and putting them on my chair before every lunch and recess.

    i remember wasting $15 every year on a good geometry set. and guess what? never used a single one of em. we were promised that they would come in handy at some point in the curriculum. but they never got used. pfft.  

  4. I am an elementary school teacher and what I required of my students is what will be needed throughout the year.  I can't say this is the same for all schools but every school has its own needs.

    Our school supply list includes: box of tissue, rolls of paper towels, sponge, and hand soap.  The tissue because you wouldn't believe how many running noses there are and I wouldn't want snot everywhere.  The paper towels and soap for washing up and the sponge for wiping up.

    Some schools now require a thumb drive for computer use.  Time change and so does the need.

    Normally the students bring all supplies at the beginning of the year because that's when all the sales are.  Either buy the folder when it is 5 cents or buy it later when it is 50 cents.

    Students are required to bring their own supplies.  If they don't, they do not get it from another student.  Either the school will provide the supplies or more than likely the teacher buys the supplies with his own money.

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